December 21, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 4 January 2022, 4:56 pm

Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by President John D. Eleven members were present including our newest member, Martin M. No visitors attended.  In the acting secretary’s absence, the minutes were taken and compiled by members of the Board.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded those present about masking and social distancing.  He made brief announcements about the stamp trivia quiz and light refreshments. Richard and Carolyn P, Helen and John set up and provisioned the refreshment areas for the members to enjoy after the business meeting.

Martin M was introduced and he told us of his interest in joining and his collection pursuits.

John requested members to come forward to volunteer for a possible philatelic presentation at the January meeting (January 18th).

John asked Bruce to update the members on the success of the Wreaths Across America effort (Bruce – magnificent!); asked Richard to update the members on the Porcelli-special Camp LeJeune cancellation (which the USPS approved and then neglected to publish in the first December Postal Bulletin); and asked Richard to briefly biography our recently deceased 98 year old Life Member, Lee S ( who was active in our Club before most of our current members joined).

     – LeJeune cancellation – the submission period has been extended into February due to the USPS Postal Bulletin omission. Note: Sandy Montalto agreed to underwrite the cost of postage placed on LeJeune posted covers of those attending the meeting, and Richard inventoried the members present

     – Lee S’s write-up will be placed in the “In Memoriam” section of the Club website in January

Officer Reports

Helen briefly encouraged members to utilize the new website and watch for continuing changes and updates. There was no Secretary’s report. The Treasurer indicated that the next report will be in January after the bourse receipts are fully in hand. Balance currently remains over $3000.

Old Business

John explained that we had a nice thank-you note from Stamps For The Wounded for our early December donation of another 9.5 pounds of US and worldwide off-paper stamps. Bruce is still accumulating on-paper material, as the Daughters of the Confederacy is not accepting material due to the outsized needs of covid-related activities.

Bourse results will be explained at the January meeting

Free & Sales tables will again be available at the January meeting. John reminded members that a member may place material on either table, not just the Club.

New Business

John explained a little about the APS Expertizing Program and brought a handful of APS expertizing applications for members with interest to take and use

Myrtle Beach Stamp Club Show 2022 – NOT being held

Lower Cape Fear Coin Club Azalea Festival Coin Show is being held the weekend of April 9 & 10 at the Elks facility on Oleander Drive. WPS will have a courtesy table at the show both days. John requested volunteers to come forward to man our table AM/PM both days

The APS/American Air Mail Society notified the Club of a holiday gift offer of free books/literature. John passed the offer around to attending members. No interest.

John reminded members of the March nomination/election of Officers/Board Member-at-Large and the Annual Meeting in April and the potential Club picnic in July.

The Business Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM

November 16, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 22 November 2021, 12:30 PM

 Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present by the end of the meeting. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activity for the evening (the Bourse) and our next meeting on 21 December.

Open Forum

Bruce P announced he was accepting donations for Wreaths Across America throughout the meeting ($15/wreath).  He also reported that about 60% of the Wilmington veteran gravestones were accounted for.

Richard P suggested that the Club investigate any “free” newspapers for a possible way of publicizing WPS. 

Officer Reports

Helen R encouraged members to visit our website and explained that the Board will continue updating and improving it.

Steve stated that there were no new member contacts or membership cancellations.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net debit of $31.70 for the past month with proceeds from stamp sales partially offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  The Club’s balance remains over $3,000.

Richard P showed a proposed Marine Corps cancellation that he has submitted through channels for approval.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

 New Business:

No new business was discussed.

Other Remarks

John explained the layout of tables for the Bourse, Helen invited members to attend a letter writing social event on Wednesday (the 17th) to support deployed troops during the holidays, and Richard suggested that the Club post photographs of Club events (such as the Bourse) on the Club website.  Finally, John distributed a new forever stamp with a coded message and invited members to solve the riddle.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:17 PM followed by the Bourse.

Steve M, Acting Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

Note: Subsequent to the meeting, President John D emailed the membership a list of remaining lots from the Bourse with instructions on how to arrange purchase, if interested in any of the items.

October 19, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

Minutes of October 19, 2021  – Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published 26 October 2021 by, 10:32 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present by the end of the meeting. No visitors.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He announced that Steve M was appointed by the Board as Secretary to replace Jimmy J and Bruce P was appointed Member-at-Large to replace Steve M.  Both will serve the term remaining on those positions until 2022 elections.

Richard P, who was originally going to attend the Postal Customer Council meeting on 5 November, appealed to the Club for a volunteer to replace him.  He is unable to attend the upcoming meeting and tour of the postal facility at Camp Lejeune.  Any volunteers need to contact him by Thursday, 21 October in order to complete the registration process by Friday.  The meeting will be held 10AM to 1230 PM.  The Postal Customer Council (PCC) is a USPS program to “foster a close working relationship between the USPS and commercial mailers”.

Richard also made a cover and presented it to Jimmy J in recognition of his long support as Secretary.  The cachet and “stamp” used was US Scott #1 with Jimmy’s portrait substituted for Benjamin Franklin.

Vice President Helen R was not able to present her briefing on the WPS website because we lacked WiFi/Internet access.  Instead, Helen will prepare a handout that is going to be distributed to members via email from the Secretary.

The Acting Secretary reported that there were no new contacts during the past month, Membership stands at 32.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net debit of $16 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table last month partially offsetting our $35 rent payment to the Southside Baptist Church.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John distributed a handout with instructions for donations to “Stamps for the Wounded”.  While a lot of material may be accepted, damaged stamps, pen or Sharpie-cancelled stamps, and metered cancellations are not.  John invited members to donate material at the next meeting since he intends to ship donations at the end of November.

The very nice new WPS website is now up and running thanks to Helen’s hard work.

There was a brief discussion of nickel boxes as one member is interested.  John committed to allowing him to review donated stamps and select anything useful. 

A calendar of Club events for 2021 – 2022 was briefly summarized with more details to follow on our website later.

  • November will be a Bourse with as many as 100 lots available for purchase. (No bidding necessary – just select the priced lot and pay the Treasurer).
  • December will be a regular meeting featuring a trivia contest with prize and light refreshments. (No sit-down dinner.)
  • January will be a program meeting – topic still open and suggestions encouraged.
  • February will be an auction; members only may bid.
  • March will be Club elections and a brief “show and tell” discussion.
  • April is dedicated to the installation of officers and annual reports by outgoing officers.
  • May will be a Bourse.
  • June will be a program meeting, topic open.
  • July will be another “Christmas in July” picnic.
  • August will be an auction
  • September and October will be program meetings, topics open.
  • November 2022 will be a Bourse.
  • December 2022 (hopefully) will be a Holiday Party at a restaurant.

John reminded members they could place items for sale on a “sale table” at any meeting.

New Business:

John distributed copies of an APS article on “Unsoakable Self-adhesive Stamps” along with an editorial about National Stamp Collecting Month.  Steve also distributed an article on National Stamp Collecting Month published in Carolina Country.

John stated that Bruce will explain the Wreaths Across America program at the next meeting.

John reported that WPS should be able to participate in the April 2022 Azalea Coin Show by hosting a stamp table as in past years (2021 excepted).

There was a brief discussion of using our website to publicize nearby stamp shows or facilitating ridesharing to them.  The Board will look into this suggestion.  Members were also encouraged to submit proposed website content to Steve or John for Board review

John discussed the Board’s interest in finding out if the Southside Baptist Church has any youth/scouting programs for which WPS could provide philatelic support.  Related to that, Hondo D reported that he is a Scout Leader and Stamp Merit Badge Counselor for Virginia with an interest in supporting the Cape Fear Area Council.  This may be another opportunity for WPS outreach.

Richard brought up an idea of a special cover or cancellation for scouting.

There being no further new business, Steve moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 (second by Helen).

Steve M, Acting Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

September 21, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

posted October 14, 2021, 8:20 AM by

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm by President John D. Nine members were present. No visitors.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.

Richard P shared a cover cachet he is going to have serviced for National Postal Customer Council Day Sep 22, 2021. The Postal Customer Council (PCC) is a USPS program to “foster a close working relationship between the USPS and commercial mailers”.

Vice President Helen R will present the premier of the new WPS website after the business meeting.

Secretary Jimmy J reported that there were no new contacts during the past month, Membership stands at 32. Jimmy also announced his resignation as WPS Secretary.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net gain of $43.20 for the past month. Balance is $3360.88.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The very nice new WPS website is now up and running thanks to Helen’s hard work.

A discussion to re-introduce nickel stamp boxes showed there is very little interest in the boxes.

The annual Club report to the American Philatelic Society has been submitted. The WPS again qualifies for free APS membership due to the number of APS members in the Club. John encouraged membership in the APS.

A calendar of Club events for 2021 – 2022 will be established at the next meeting of the Board.

New Business:

John distributed copies of an APS article on “Unsoakable Self-adhesive Stamps”.

A short discussion about the annual Christmas party resulted in several possible agendas. The subject will be taken up at the next meeting of the Board.

With Jimmy’s resignation the Club is in need of a new Secretary and Board member.

Jimmy J gave his World of Philately news report.

Richard P shared a newly published catalog of Computer Vended Postage Stamps.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 pm.

Helen R presented a tutorial on the features of the new WPS website.

Jimmy J, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

August 17, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Posted October 14, 2021 at 8:43 AM by [updated 2/11/2022]

Meeting called to order at 7:11 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. John welcomed everyone to our first meeting at Southside Baptist Church.

President John D welcomed and introduced our newest member, David W.

Richard P, now the keeper of the keys, explained the layout of the church building and parking lot.

Our newlyweds, member Bruce P and wife Nancy were presented a congratulatory card and cake.

Vice President Helen R reported that her work on the Club’s new website is nearing completion and should be ready for beta testing in a week or two.

Secretary Jimmy J reported that Jim H, of Asheville NC, had joined the club and Jim Hickey, who no longer collects had resigned. Members Brian T, Todd B, Roger P, [name removed at request of former member], and Lilian T had been removed from the membership roll due to nonpayment of dues and not responding to Club correspondence.

Treasurer report made by John D in the absence of Tim S. Balance is $3317.68

Old Business:

President John D thanked Richard P for his lead role in obtaining Southside Baptist Church as our new meeting place.

John announced that we will continue to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month but some members have conflict and consideration is being given to changing to the 2nd Tuesday. 

John reported that the WPS Christmas in July Picnic, held at Long Leaf Park (Hugh Macrae Park), was a big success. 

John thanked Helen R for continuing to mention WPS in her Anchored Scraps blog. In the past 6 years WPS activities or information has be in her blog 20 times.

New Business:

Now that we have a meeting place, John will convene a Board meeting soon.

Auctions, bourses, and the sales/free tables will continue as before.

Jimmy J gave a brief philatelic news update.

Business meeting adjourned at 07:47 pm.

Richard P gave a program presentation “Every Cover Has a Story”. Some of his life stories and remembrances brought back by seeing old postal covers.

Jimmy J, Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society    

June 15, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

posted Jun 30, 2021, 8:53 AM by   [ updated Jun 30, 2021, 8:56 AM ]

Minutes of June 15, 2021Wilmington Philatelic Society Virtual Zoom Meeting Via Computer Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Vice President Helen R. Only six members were present. Helen welcomed everyone. Helen and Jimmy J spent a few minutes reporting on President John’s recovery from eye surgery. New member David W was introduced. Dave has collected since his teens and comes to us from the Asheville (NC) Stamp Club. Secretary Jimmy J reported one new member, David W. Membership now stands at 37. Membership renewal is going well with an 80% renewal rate so far. Reminders will be sent to the eight tardy members. Treasurer Tim S was absent. No report.

Old Business:           

The search for a meeting location continues with two locations being toured in the coming weeks.           

Helen is working on changing the Club website to WordPress and will report progress to the Board.           

New Business:              

Christmas in July, a replacement for the canceled Christmas party, will be held at Long Leaf Park on July 14. This will be our meeting for July. An announcement flyer and RSVP form will be sent to everyone.        

Jimmy J gave his World of Philately news report. Those members present introduced themselves to new member Dave W.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Jimmy J, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

May 18, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

posted Jun 3, 2021, 7:57 PM by

Minutes of May 18, 2021Wilmington Philatelic Society Virtual Zoom Meeting Via Computer Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John. Fourteen members were present. John welcomed everyone. Helen R spent a few minutes explaining Zoom and answering questions about using Zoom. Vice President Helen R reported that the Port City Peddler may be a possible meeting site. The owner plans to make a meeting room available for public use but the room is not ready yet. Secretary Jimmy J reported no new inquiries or membership applications. Membership stands at 36. Membership renewal is going well with a 70% renewal rate so far. Treasurer Tim S no change in the treasury since last meeting. No income and no expenditures.

Old Business:           

The search for a meeting location continues. John recently learned that there may be a possibility to use New Hanover County Recreation property for meeting. John will follow up on this lead.            John continues to collect stamps for the veterans will have 8 – 10 pounds to ship this month.           

The Board has proposed a Christmas in July social as a replacement for the canceled Christmas party.  John reported that the use of Long Leaf Park is possible and will follow up           

The Philatelic Bourse has been very successful and we will have another one when a meeting place is secured.            The club is in need of programs and teaching presentations for our meetings. Volunteers are solicited. See Vice President Helen.

New Business:           

The stamp dealer that helped John on appraisals and disposition of estates and donated stamps has retired. He was the only dealer in North Carolina that would that would work with John. Other dealers’ charge fees that are unrealistic for our type of material. Hopefully something will work out.

Jimmy J gave his World of Philately news report.

Richard P shared some of his computer vended stamps.

Helen shared her recently acquired ventage sewing machine.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Jimmy J, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

April 20, 2021 Meeting Minutes 

posted Jun 3, 2021, 7:52 PM by   [ updated Jun 3, 2021, 7:53 PM ]

Minutes of April 20, 2021Wilmington Philatelic Society Virtual Zoom Meeting Via Computer Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Fifteen members were present. John welcomed everyone. The Zoom meeting allowed member Matt S and Don H join us from New Jersey and Maryland. With this being our first Zoom meeting Helen R spent a few minutes assisting everyone getting settled in. Helen will give more detailed help instructions in a presentation at the next meeting. President John D presented memoriam for Andy V and Gene S. Several members shared their memories of our recently passed friends. Secretary Jimmy J reported no new inquiries or membership applications. Membership stands at 36.Membership renewal notices have are tardy due to COVID-19 uncertainties but will be mailed within a week. President John D gave the Treasurer’s report in the absence of Tim S. Treasury balance of $3714.36.President John D gave a brief report on the April 16, 2021 meeting of the Board of Directors. The major item was the Board’s decision, due to the lack of meetings for a year and a half and other COVID-19 related problems, to cancel the Annual Meeting reports and suspend the Annual Election. The current Officers and Board Members will continue to serve.

Old Business:           

This is our first meeting since November 2020 which was a stamp bourse. The August and November stamp bourses were a great success and plans are to continue having them.            The Wreaths Across America pictorial cancellation project was a success. Bruce P gave a short summation of the project.           

The February 2021 Myrtle Beach Stamp Show was cancelled due to COVID and the 2022 show is in jeopardy due to motel remodeling. The WPS did not participate in the Azalea Festival Coin Show due to the short notice of space availability.           

The Board proposed a Christmas in July social, possibly a catered picnic at Long Leaf Park. Members expressed approval. Detail to be decided.           

Bruce will continue to collect stamps on paper for the veterans and John will continue Andy’s program of collecting stamps off paper for John Hotchner’s Stamps for the Wounded.

New Business:           

The search for a meeting place continues with several possible opportunities. Any help searching is appreciated.            Please give feed back on the virtual Zoom meeting. We may have to continue meet on Zoom for a while.           

John asked for any ideas and/or volunteers for meeting and program presentations. Jimmy J gave his World of Philately news report.

The meeting was adjourned but the Secretary failed to note the time.

Jimmy J, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

January - March 2021 Club Meetings Temporarily Suspended


posted Jan 4, 2021, 12:29 PM by

As of December 2020, our usual meeting location is no longer available to the Club. The Board of Directors is in the process of locating a new meeting site. The Club will be notified when a new location is secured.