Club Meetings

The Wilmington Philatelic Society meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Southside Baptist Church, 3320 South College Road, Wilmington, NC 28412.

Each monthly meeting has a central theme such as  nomination or election of officers, auction, bourse, program presentation, or social gathering.  

Visitors are welcome and may display personal stamps for evaluation except during auction nights and special meetings. 

Our next meeting is 20 August, 2024. This will be a Club Auction.  In July we discussed “How to Prepare Your Items for the Auction”.  Auction control sheets and rules may  be viewed or downloaded elsewhere on this site (See About tab above.)

Remaining 2024-25 Program Year

  • 20 August – Auction
  • 17 September – Program – FDCs and Stamp Sheets as Sources of Cultural and Current Events 
  • 15 October – Program – US Military Postal History
  • 19 November – Bourse
  • 4  December – Holiday Party (Members and their guests) 7PM Hieronymus Restaurant  Note: This is  Wednesday evening
  • 21 January 2025 – Program – Computer Stamps
  • 18 February – Auction
  • 18 March – Elections & Philatelic History with NC Connections
  • 15 April – Installation of Officers for 2025-2026

WPS accepts donations of philatelic items.  Guests may bring donations to Club meetings.  If you plan to bring stamps, please arrive early (6:45).