December 2020 Club Meetings Temporarily Suspended 


posted Jan 4, 2021, 12:29 PM by

As of December 2020, our usual meeting location is no longer available to the Club. The Board of Directors is in the process of locating a new meeting site. The Club will be notified when a new location is secured. 

November 17, 2020 Meeting Changes

posted Nov 11, 2020, 12:15 PM by   [ updated Nov 11, 2020, 12:19 PM ]


Five hours after posting the November 17 Stamp Club Meeting Announcement the Governor changed the COVID-19 safety protocol. Indoor group meetings have again been limited to 10 people or less. This make a normal club meeting impractical. The business meeting has been removed from the agenda but the Stamp Bourse will still be held on Tuesday night. The following rules will be followed to ensure compliance with the Governor’s 10-person limit.For everyone’s health and safety the following rules must be observed:1. You must bring a face mask and wear it both inside the meeting room and outside in the parking lot.2. No more than 10 people will be allowed in the meeting room at a time. Controls will be in place at the door to ensure compliance. If the room is full, wait in the parking lot until someone exits. Masks must be worn at all times.3. As a courtesy to other members, no socializing will be allowed in the meeting room. Use your time to peruse the stamps and make your selection. Others may be waiting for you to exit so they may have their turn to enter the bourse. Masks must be worn at all times.4. Socializing will be allowed in the parking lot. The required 6 feet of social distancing must be observed. Masks must be worn at all times.5. Please follow the North Carolina COVID-19 guidelines. If you have been exposed in the last 14 days or you are not feeling well, please stay home.6. There will be hand sanitizer and wipes available. The Club will supply gallon plastic bags for you to take home loose material. Jimmy Jordan, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society.

October 20, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Nov 17, 2020, 2:45 PM by


Minutes of October 20, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society  Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John Daniels. Sixteen members were present. John welcomed everyone and reminded us to wear our name tags and sign the attendance sheet.John announced that due to the closing of Scrap and Design the last meeting at this location will be the November meeting. The Board of Directors is searching for a new meeting location.October is Stamp Collecting Month.The Club has received a Thank You card from John Hotchner for stamps donated to the wounded.Vice President Helen Rittersporn reported that she is investigating the possible move of the Club website from Google Sites to WordPress.Secretary Jimmy Jordan reported no new inquiries or membership applications. Membership stands at 36.Treasurer Tim Snyder reported the Club made $327.98 at the August Stamp Bourse. Treasury balance of $3126.55.Old Business:   Everyone needs to be searching for a new meeting place.   The December Christmas Party meeting has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A summer event is a possible alternative.   Richard Porcelli and Bruce Patterson reported on the progress being made on the December 19, 2020 Wreaths Across America special pictorial postmark. New Business:     John reported on the June 16, 202 meeting of the Board of Directors.    The November meeting will be a Stamp Bourse.Jimmy Jordan presented a few items of philatelic news.Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.Jimmy Jordan presented a program on watermarks and watermarking stamps. Jimmy Jordan, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society

September 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Oct 5, 2020, 12:16 PM by

Minutes of September 15, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John Daniels. Fifteen members were present. John welcomed everyone to the first meeting since February by taking a few minutes for everyone to become re-acquainted and tell how they had coped with the Covid-19 pandemic.Annual Meeting reports were given by the Club Officers and the 2020-2021 Club Officers were sworn in. The abbreviated Annual Meeting was necessary due to the April meeting being canceled by Covid-19 restrictions.Old Business:  The March 2020 through August 2020 meetings had been canceled due to Covid-19.  John reported that the August walk-thru Stamp Bourse was a big success.  Bruce Patterson and Richard Porcelli reported on their pictorial cancellation project for Wreaths Across America.  Participation in the Lower Cape Fear Coin Show was canceled.  Donn Ebert has announced cancelation of the 2021 Myrtle Beach Stamp Show. New Business:  John reported on the June 16, 202 meeting of the Board of Directors. A charitable donation of $100 in the name of Shelly Holt, our landlord, was authorized. The donation is in lieu of rent.  The December Christmas Party was discussed. There is a real possibility that the party will be canceled because of Covid-19 restrictions and probable low attendance.  John announced that the November 2020 meeting will be the last at our current meeting location. Our landlord is not renewing her lease on the building. A search for a new location will begin.  The Stamp Bourses was well received and there will likely be others held in the future.  The remaining 2020 calendar of events and the possibility of virtual meetings were discussed but everything is on hold until after the virus pandemic and a new meeting place is found.  John announced that Howard Loving has donated Elisabeth’s stamp collection to the Club and asked that it be distributed to the membership. John will develop a system of distribution. Jimmy Jordan presented a few items of philatelic news. Meeting adjourned Jimmy Jordan, Secretary, Wilmington Philatelic Society



August 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Aug 19, 2020, 10:27 AM by

Minutes of August 18, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society A normal sit-down meeting could not be held because of COVID-19 restrictions on meeting size and the need for proper social distancing. A Stamp Bourse was held in place of a meeting. Display tables were filled with a large number of stamps, covers, albums, and philatelic supplies. Some lots were free and others were for sale at very reasonable prices. All of the lots came from the Club’s accumulation of donated material and all proceeds benefited the Club’s Treasury. In accordance with North Carolina Covid -19 guidelines and for the health and safety of all attendees, only ten people were allowed in the stamp room at a time and face masks were required. Everyone appeared to fine items for their collections and a lot of stamps found new homes. A total of 12 members attend the bourse. President John Daniels will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the decision of when to resume meetings will be based upon the best advice from the CDC and local health professionals. The Club will be kept informed. Jimmy Jordan, SecretaryWilmington Philatelic Society 

July 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Aug 19, 2020, 9:37 AM by


Minutes of July 21, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society July 21, 2020 Stamp Club Meeting CanceledBased upon the latest information and suggestions from the Center of Disease Control, meetings of the Wilmington Philatelic Society have been suspended until further notice. The March 17, 2020 meeting has been canceled. President John Daniels will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the decision of when to resume meetings will be based upon the best advice from the CDC and local health professionals. The Club will be kept informed. Jimmy Jordan, SecretaryWilmington Philatelic Society

June 16, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Aug 19, 2020, 9:35 AM by

Minutes of June 16, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society June 16, 2020 Stamp Club Meeting CanceledBased upon the latest information and suggestions from the Center of Disease Control, meetings of the Wilmington Philatelic Society have been suspended until further notice. The March 17, 2020 meeting has been canceled. President John Daniels will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the decision of when to resume meetings will be based upon the best advice from the CDC and local health professionals. The Club will be kept informed. Jimmy Jordan, SecretaryWilmington Philatelic Society

May 19, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Aug 19, 2020, 9:26 AM by   [ updated Aug 19, 2020, 9:27 AM ]

Minutes of May 19, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society May 19, 2020 Stamp Club Meeting CanceledBased upon the latest information and suggestions from the Center of Disease Control, meetings of the Wilmington Philatelic Society have been suspended until further notice. The March 17, 2020 meeting has been canceled. President John Daniels will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the decision of when to resume meetings will be based upon the best advice from the CDC and local health professionals. The Club will be kept informed. Jimmy Jordan, SecretaryWilmington Philatelic Society

April 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted May 11, 2020, 7:56 AM by

Minutes of April 21, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society April 21, 2020 Stamp Club Meeting CanceledBased upon the latest information and suggestions from the Center of Disease Control, meetings of the Wilmington Philatelic Society have been suspended until further notice. The April 21, 2020 meeting has been canceled. President John Daniels will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the decision of when to resume meetings will be based upon the best advice from the CDC and local health professionals. The Club will be kept informed. Jimmy Jordan, SecretaryWilmington Philatelic Society

March 17, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Mar 21, 2020, 9:26 AM by   [ updated Aug 19, 2020, 9:33 AM ]

Minutes of March 17, 2020Wilmington Philatelic SocietyMarch 17, 2020 Stamp Club Meeting CanceledBased upon the latest information and suggestions from the Center of Disease Control, meetings of the Wilmington Philatelic Society have been suspended until further notice. The March 17, 2020 meeting has been canceled. President John Daniels will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the decision of when to resume meetings will be based upon the best advice from the CDC and local health professionals. The Club will be kept informed.

February 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Feb 20, 2020, 1:54 PM by

Minutes of February 18, 2020Wilmington Philatelic Society

Updated by 2/11/2022, 7:44 AM

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by President John Daniels. Nineteen members and two visitors were present. John welcomed everyone to the meeting.President’s Remarks: Everyone was reminded to sign the attendance sheet and wear their name badges. The meeting is an Auction and the sign-in sheet determines the order in which lots are auctioned. Due to the auction, there is no “Free” table tonight.Vice President Report: Andy Vics shared a 1954 post card given to him by member John Valentino. The card was a thank you note for stamps donated to the Stamps for the Wounded program. The message on the card was almost identical to the present day thank you notes the Club receives for donating to the program. Andy encouraged all members to check, and read, the WPS website often. All club announcements and news items are posted on the website making it a valuable source of information. This is even more important now that the seems to be some kind of restriction on sending large emails to the Club.Secretary Report: Two new membership applications have been received through the website. Both applicants are attending tonight’s meeting and hopefully will join the Club. Current membership remains 37.Treasurer Report: Tim gave a detailed report on the past month’s income and expenditures. The current treasury balance is $2504.86.Old Business: The Myrtle Beach Stamp Show was well attended by WPS members. Eight to ten members attended. There were a few stamp dealers and a number of cover and post card dealers at the show. Remember the Cape Fear Azalea Festival Coin Show April 4-5. The Club will have a display table at the show and volunteers are needed to represent the Club. One of Helen Rittersporn’s recent blog posts was about cover collecting and contained links to the WPS website. Helen’s blogs often promote stamp collecting and the WPS. The results of the Auction Want List survey has been distributed to the Club. This should assist auction sellers in presenting lots that have a higher probability of selling.New Business: The March 17 meeting will be the annual nomination and election of officers. Our two visitors, [name removed] and Robert Valik of Leland, joined the Club by payment of dues.Meeting adjourned at 07:30 pm.A Farewell Cake and Ice Cream Party was held for founding charter member Wendell Triplett. Wendell signed the WPS American Philatelic Society Charter Application in 1984! He was also the Club Treasurer for several decades. Wendell is moving to Baltimore to be closer to family members.Auctioneer Helen Rittersporn, with the assistance of Robert Valik, conducted a very successful club auction.Submitted by:Jimmy Jordan, Secretary Wilmington Philatelic Society 

January 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

posted Feb 4, 2020, 6:18 PM by

Minutes of January 21, 2020Wilmington Philatelic SocietyThe meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by President John Daniels. Seventeen members and one visitor, Dave Malkmus of Carolina Beach, were present. John welcomed everyone to the meeting.President’s Remarks: Everyone was reminded to sign the attendance sheet and wear their name badges. He also reminded everyone that the WPS Calendar on the website has been updated for 2020 and the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club Stamp Show is Saturday and Sunday February 8-9. Flyers for the show are available.Floor Remarks: Bruce Patterson reported on the success of the Wreath Across America program. Gene Sauer reported that Pearsall Church, our old meeting place, is under contract and may sell soon.Vice President Report: Shipped 5 pounds of stamps to the Stamps for Veterans program. A total of 68 pounds has be shipped so far. He is accepting donations for the May 2020 shipment.Secretary Report: No new contacts, membership inquirers, or membership applications received. Current membership remains 36. The collection of 2020 dues has started.Treasurer Report: Tim gave a detailed report on the past month’s income and expenditures. The current Treasury balance is $2264.86 after paying Hieronymus Seafood $805.00 for the Christmas party.Old Business: The Club’s Christmas Holiday Party at Hieronymus Seafood was successful. The Linn’s list of brick and mortar stamp stores is now up to 84. Wendel Triplett was presented with a framed Life Membership certificate. Wendell announced that he would soon be moving to the Baltimore Maryland area.New Business: The Azalea Festival Coin Show is April 4-5, 2020. The Club will have a presence at the show. The March meeting will be election of club officers with the instillation of officers at the April meeting. Jimmy reported items of philatelic news.The February meeting will be a Club auction.Meeting adjourned at 7:36Steve Matthews presented a program on identification of reprinted stamps and how he finds the research and study of his stamps interesting and fun.Submitted by:Jimmy Jordan, Secretary Wilmington Philatelic Society