NOTE:  2022 is the last year with published minutes.  In an effort to make the Club meeting minutes more accessible to the membership, the Directors voted unanimously that as of January 1, 2023, Club minutes will not be posted on the web site.  Instead, they will be attached to the next month’s broadcast meeting/activity notice.

December 2022 Meeting

No meeting due to Holiday Party on 30 November 2022

November 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 

Updated 25 November 2022 at 9:22 AM by

  1. John D. called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM. Fifteen members and two guests were present.  Prior to the start of the meeting, the Club received two boxes of donated philatelic material for review and distribution. 
  2. John reminded members to sign-in and use the provided name tags. He then summarized the Bourse rules – no selections or purchases until after the business meeting.  Also, members placing items for sale were responsible for their own arrangements, allowing the Treasurer to concentrate on Club lots and lots marked for Veteran’s Donation.  For the US mint stamps (donated) placed in binders for sale, members were reminded to use stamp tongs and record on provided note paper the individual stamps selected and priced.
  3. Tonight was the last night Bruce P. could receive checks made out to Wreaths Across America, $15 per donated wreath. Wreaths will be distributed 17 December.
  4. John asked members to confirm attendance for the Holiday Party, 30 November, 7 PM, Hieronymous Restaurant on Market Street, Wilmington. Members may attend without charge, except for “bar tab”, and the price for guests is $20.  The restaurant needs a head count for planning purposes.
  5. Given the Holiday Party on 30 November, there is no meeting in December. The next monthly meeting will be 17 January 23 with a presentation by Jimmy J.
  6. There were no comments during Open Forum.
  7. Reports:

–Hondo D. stated that he had the program suggestions which members had submitted and would be planning the 2023 program calendar.

–Steve M. stated that the Club remained at 37 members, including life members, and that a volunteer was needed to take over the Secretary position.  (Subsequent to the meeting, Robert V. expressed an interest in helping the Club and will discuss further with Steve.)

–Tim S. reported that the Club’s expenses for the month exceeded revenues by $40.  The Club finances are healthy and sufficient to fund the Holiday Party as previously discussed.

Old Business

–Most items had already been mentioned, but John reiterated that stamp donations are still being accepted by Hondo (on paper US), Bruce (on paper foreign), and by himself (sorted off paper US or foreign) for Veterans.

–A fishing website is selling US stamps at discounts, so the Club was warned they are likely counterfeit.  In other news, USPS is raising postage rates on 23 January 23 (63 cents for 1st class).

New Business

–The Board hasn’t officially published the 2023 calendar, but the near-term plan parallels 2022.  January will be a program meeting, February an auction, March nomination of officers, and April installation of officers.  Topics for March and April programs will be announced later.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30PM after a motion by Steve M., seconded by Hondo, and approved by the members.

The Bourse seemed to run smoothly, facilitated by the distribution of material in several areas of the room.  Members moved easily among the lots and made their selections.

Submitted by Steve M., WPS Secretary, 17 November 2022.

October 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 

Updated 6 November 2022 by

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No guests attended.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He pointed out that tonight’s meeting would include a program presentation by Jimmy J. and that November would be a Bourse (members can sell items, not just the Club). He also announced that the Holiday Party will be held on November 30th. (This was discussed later in the meeting.)

Open Forum

No comments from the Club.


Vice-President Hondo D. announced that the next program meeting would be held in January, 2023. Jimmy J. will discuss stamp grading.

Secretary Steve M. reminded that he was resigning as Secretary at the end of December and urged the members present to consider volunteering. John emphasized that meeting notifications and minutes were the main tasks; he didn’t want potential candidates to hold back because of technology/website concerns.

Treasurer Tim S. reported the revenues and expenses since the September meeting. The Club accounts increased by $52 after proceeds from the Sale Table were adjusted for the rent paid to the Southside Baptist Church.

Past President Richard P. noted he would try to get some response from the Wilmington Post Office regarding the success of the Special Scout Cancelation event which concluded October 6th. Related to this, Hondo passed out a few copies of his “letter to the editor” of Linn’s Stamp News which publicized the eleven scouts in the Cape Fear region who earned the Stamp Collecting Merit Badge in September.

Director-at-Large Bruce P. announced the Wreaths Across America project to recognize fallen veterans this holiday season. Club members who wish to donate $15 per wreath may provide him a check by November 25th made out to “Wreaths Across America”. He will consolidate and forward so that the Cape Fear Civil War Roundtable receives credit for supporting the initiative. While supply lasts, members who make a wreath donation will receive a commemorative Wreaths Across America cover.

Old Business

John reported that the revised By-Laws had been posted at the WPS website.

Hondo has been contacting members to encourage them to attend Club meetings. Two of those contacted attended this evening and were welcomed enthusiastically by the Club.

The Secretary vacancy was brought up again but Steve M. had addressed this topic earlier.

Future program meetings were briefly mentioned – stamp grading in January and perhaps a group discussion of members’ stamp collecting interests later in 2023. John invited members to present a topic important to them.

John explained that the November Bourse would include member lots (if submitted), Club lots, and donated lots (proceeds from the latter targeted for Veteran’s groups.). The Club should consider which group or groups should be designated as recipients for the proceeds from the lots donated in August.

New Business

John shared an article on the remodeling of the church on Market Street where the Club met for several years (Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian Church). The building the Club used is now a design center, and plans are to repurpose the church building as a restaurant.

John summarized the October 3 Board Meeting, which led into a short explanation of the Holiday Party at Hieronymous Restaurant, 5035 Market Street, 30 November, 7 PM. The menu will be similar to 2019 with multiple appetizers, entrees, and desserts to accommodate members’ tastes. Guests will be charged $20 to attend, but members will be free. Alcoholic drinks are extra. November 15 is the deadline for a head count – the same night as the Bourse.

John explained the long-standing Club policy on the Free and Sales Tables – no purchases or selections until the business meeting is over.  The objective is to give all attending members the chance to look over all of the presented material.  However, members are welcome to browse or place their own, clearly marked for sale items on the table prior to the start of the meeting.

The USPS has proposed a rate increase to be effective 23 January 2023. The rate for regular letters will increase to 63 cents. The USPS intends to increase rates every six months. Related to this, Richard notified the Board of an article he read on potential privatization of the postal service. Great Britain has already completed privatization.

John discussed a survey from Linn’s Stamp News he recently completed. It focused on digitization of the media as an alternative to continuing distribution of printed magazines or catalogs.

World of Philately

Jimmy J. explained that the death of Queen Elizabeth II will lead to numerous commemorative issues, and several Commonwealth nations have already announced their intentions. Meanwhile, Great Britain will continue to use up existing stock of QEII stamps as new designs are being created for King Charles III.

There are reports of a printing error on the Forever Tulip stamp.

Jimmy reinforced John’s comments about the proposed USPS rate increases in January.

The American Philatelic Society (APS) is considering a merger with the American Stamp Dealers Association (ASDA). More information will follow after the APS Board and the ASDA membership deliberate on the matter.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 after a motion by Bruce P. and an oral vote by the membership.

After the business meeting Jimmy gave an informative presentation titled “Disingenuous Stamps: Counterfeits, Forgeries, Fakes, and Facsimiles.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

September 22 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 

Republished by 24 October 22 at 8:12 am

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by President John D. Fifteen members were present.  No guests attended.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He pointed out that October would be another program meeting and November will be a Bourse (members can sell items, not just the Club).

Open Forum

No comments from the Club.


Vice-President Hondo D. handed out index cards so members could submit program ideas.

Secretary Steve M. stated that we would discuss and vote on By-Law amendments later in the meeting.

Treasurer Tim S. reported the revenues and expenses since the August meeting.  The Club accounts increased by $187.23 after expenses, largely due to auction proceeds.

Director Bruce P. had nothing to report.

Past President Richard P. explained how to get a Scout Pictorial Cancellation at the Wilmington Main Post Office by taking a stamped envelope before 6 October.  He reported the Post Office seems to be getting a good response.  Congratulations to Richard on this project!

Old Business

The first real item was to discuss and vote on amendments.  John and Steve distributed copies of the documents previous emailed to members.  John walked through the two changes (Secretary duties and monthly meeting schedule). Then a motion to approve the amendments was submitted by Steve, seconded by Hondo, and approved after discussion and correction of a typo.

John explained the Board is still concerned about member privacy, which is why last names have been deleted from minutes from 2021 to date.  There was a brief discussion of how members could contact each other and whether email lists should be published.  Currently, the Club policy is to use a ‘gatekeeper”, the secretary, if electronic contact is required.  Otherwise, it’s simplest to talk to other members during the meeting and exchange information.

John reported there are still no volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so John requested that members consider serving on the Board.  Steve reported that he spends 3-4 hours a month on his duties, plus periodic Board meetings.

Members turned in suggestions to Hondo on program topics for future meetings.  Since John discussed perforation gauges and printing processes later in the meeting, Jimmy J’s presentation was postponed until October.

John briefly explained the donations received by the Club from New Hanover Library and a private party.   During the November Bourse some of the donated material will be sold with the proceeds going to Veterans’ organizations. There will also be other Club lots as well as lots submitted for sale by individual members.

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of donated stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to accept US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

The New Hanover Library is a resource for stamp collectors.  They contacted the Secretary about one donation (covers), which John D. picked up.  Discussion ensued about the Club coordinating with the library for digital or hard copy Scott Catalog subscriptions.  This is a complicated topic that the Board will consider as there are annual digital or printed catalogs and also supplemental printed or digital subscriptions.

New Business

John gave an interesting explanation of different types of perforation gauges and their importance for various printing processes.  For example, rotary press printing has the impact of “stretching” the stamp.  Some gauges are more precise than others.  John distributed perforation gauge samples and handouts on printing.

A quick poll of the members revealed that at least 10 are interested in a December Holiday Party, so when the Board meets again on October 3, this will be one of the agenda items.

World of Philately

Jimmy J. explained the seasonal shipping surcharge USPS will start for the holiday season (2 October to 2 January 2023).  First class mail isn’t affected, just packages.  Also, USPS will proceed with rate increases every six months, January 2023 and July 2023.

Jimmy shared a sample Great Britain Machin definitive stamp showing the “bar code” that has been added to reduce counterfeiting.  Older definitive stamps can be turned in until January 2023 when Great Britain will only allow use of definitive stamps with bar/QR code.

APS is partnering with Hip Stamps for their philatelic sales.

Online stamp vendors who have $600 or more in business will soon be issued 1099K forms by eBay as required by recent legislation.  Unless sellers keep records of prices paid, prices realized, and profit or loss, sellers will be taxed on their gross proceeds.  The tax liability could be significant because a self-employment tax of 15.3% would be applicable in addition to income tax.

Before adjournment at 8:14 PM, Hondo added his thanks to Richard P. and Jimmy J. who supported the September 10 BSA Merit Badge presentation.

Following the meeting members continued to browse the Free and Sales items. 

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

August 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society

 Published by, 19 August 2022, 8:37 AM 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice-President Hondo D. Seventeen members were present and two visitors dropped by to make a philatelic donation. John D. and Bruce P. were absent.

Hondo welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He also asked if any members who attended the July picnic left without an envelope.  There being none, he started with reports.

Hondo discussed the July picnic and our hope to have a USPS presentation in September.  However, the presenter, Lori T. (Customer Relations), has left USPS and the Club hasn’t been able to track her down.

For the Secretary’s report, Steve M. noted that the Board voted on two e-motions.  The Club donated $100 to Cape Fear Detachment 1070, Wilmington, Marine Corps Ball, and the Board approved an advertisement in the Ball program.  Also, the Board approved a motion for a special Scout pictorial cancellation which Richard explained later.

Tim gave a detailed Treasurer’s report on last month’s revenues and expenses.   There was a net loss of $537.86, largely due to the July picnic.  (Next month’s report will reflect the substantial proceeds from tonight’s auction.)

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to collect US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

Steve M. reported that members will vote on amendments to Club By-Laws in September.  He briefly summarized the update to Secretary duties and the proposal to omit “third Tuesday” as the Club meeting night.  Instead, the By-Laws will just state that we will meet monthly without locking us into a specific date or time.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so Hondo requested that members consider serving on the Board.

The WPS website has been updated to omit last names.  Minutes, going forward, will omit last names. 

New Business:

Hondo asked members to call or e-mail him about program ideas for future meetings.  The Club wants to be responsive to the interests of its members.

Richard explained the pictorial cancellation to be issued by the Wilmington Post Office.  It will be applied for a 30-day period and become available on September 6th.  Members may take in a stamped letter and have the cancellation applied at the downtown post office.  Richard also passed around his book of cachets in case members wanted to provide a stamp to obtain a cancelled envelope with cachet.  See Richard for more details.

Steve M. read a request received by Dave M. regarding his interest Scott Specialized Stamp Albums for Austria and East Germany along with supplements for such countries as Canada, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, US, and United Nations.  He is also looking for supplements for the H.E. Harris US Plate Block album.  Dave collects stamps for all of the listed countries.

Member Open Forum:

Richard introduced his son and grandson.

World of Philately:

Jimmy J. reported that the postal reform bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  This should ease some of USPS’ financial burden.  Jimmy also discussed the growing digitization of stamp catalogs, explaining a new subscription service being started for Scott stamp listings.  Pricing information isn’t available yet, and one member suggested the Club consider contacting the Public Library about obtaining a subscription.  Richard offered to provide is 2006 Scott Album CDs for copying if any Club Member is interested.  Finally, Jimmy noted that counterfeiting of US postage stamps (by China and others) is out of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.  A successful auction followed with many US and worldwide lots and collections offered by the Club and several different members.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

published by 25 July 22 at 11:15 AM

The July meeting was a Club picnic, so no business was discussed.  Thirteen members and six of their guests enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and pleasant conversation under the protection of Shelter #5.  On behalf of the Club, John D. provided members with a philatelic gift of mint US stamps (mine was a set of plate blocks along with the 3-stamp magic disappearing rabbit set.) Many thanks to all who prepared for and cleaned up after the event.

June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

published by 27 June 22 at 1:30 PM; amended 18 August 22

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John D. Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags.

Visitor Andy A. was introduced and he told us a little about himself. Andy completed an membership application and joined the club.

President John D.: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Items are displayed on the FREE and SALES tables for member’s perusal. The next meeting will be the Club Picnic on July 20. The picnic will be held at Long Leaf Park shelter #5 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and will be catered by Pine Valley Market. Come at your convenience during that time. Please RSVP to Treasurer Tim S. by July 13. RSVP is very important for food preparation planning. Members and their guests are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person.  There will be no meeting at the church in July. The next meeting at the church will be August 16 and will be an auction. Auction Rules and Forms are available on the Club Website. John continues to pursue the possibility of having the Wilmington Post Office Customer Relations representative attend a club meeting, possibly in September.

Vice President Hondo D.:  Absent, no report.

Secretary Steve M.: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S.: Gains included $1.15 donation, $20.00 dues, and sales $128.42. Expenditure of $35.00 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3815.37.

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

Highlights of the Postal Reform Act and the USPS House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

New Business:

The Club’s votes in the APS/APRL annual election have been submitted.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the Club Constitution and Bylaws and will present some minor changes to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

Secretary Steve M. will resign from his office on December 31, 2022. The Club will need someone to step up and fill this position. Contact President John D. or Secretary Steve M. if interested.

To improve the membership’s privacy, the Board has decided that last names will no longer be used on public forums such as the website and meeting minutes. Only first names and last initial will be used.

The Board has decided to not pursue a closer relationship with the Asheville Stamp Club. The great distance between the clubs makes such a proposal unsustainable

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Jimmy J. presented an informative and entertaining Power Point slideshow on the fun of collecting North Carolina Dead Post Offices.

Submitted by Jimmy J. for WPS Secretary Steve M.

May 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)

published by on 3 June 2022 at 3:21 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. Three visitors, Richard C, Steve D, and John B. were also present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags. The visitors were introduced and each told us a little about themselves. Steve D and John B joined WPS by completing a membership application and paying dues.

President John D: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Tonight’s meeting is a bourse with club and members’ lots for sale along with the table of free items. The next meeting, June 21, will feature a presentation by Jimmy Jordan.

Vice President Hondo D:  Tonight’s program is a bourse and next meeting’s program will be a presentation by Jimmy J.

Secretary Steve M: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S: A gain of $10 in dues and expenditure of $35 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3700. A photo was shown showing renovations of our old meeting room at Pearsall Presbyterian Church by the new owner PBC Design.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic is scheduled for July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

Wilmington Philatelic Society business cards are available on the sign-in table.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

New Business:

John is attempting to have Lori T, USPS Wilmington Customer Relations Coordinator, attend a Club meeting to give us some insight into the workings of the Postal Service.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The stamp bourse was a success with many lots being sold.

Submitted by Jimmy Jordan for WPS Secretary Steve M

April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by on April 23,2022 at 10:17 am

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by President John D. Eleven members attended, but no guests. All new Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone, explained the use of name badges, and reminded members to sign in on the clip board.


John explained that the Board recently held an e-mail vote and determined that face masks will be optional at WPS meetings until further notice.   (Two members present wore face masks.)  He also pointed out the Free Table.  All previous Sale Table lots were sold.

The final action under Announcements was the installation of officers for the 2022-23 program year.  Robert V read the official notice of installation:  President, John D; Vice-President, Hondo D, Treasurer, Tim S; Secretary, Steve M; Board Member at Large, Bruce P Past President, Richard P.

 Open Forum

Bruce announced he was accepting on-paper stamps for a Veteran’s organization in Fayetteville.  Hondo added that he was also accepting donations of on-paper stamps for Scouts.  John indicated that he is still collecting off-paper stamps for another Veteran’s group.

Annual Reports

John D was the first to report the progress the Club made last year.  We missed some meetings, used ZOOM for some, and finally re-located to the Southside Baptist Church, which has proven to be a good fit with the Club’s meeting needs.  Other stamp clubs have not fared as well, including the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club and another group in the Chapel Hill-Raleigh area.  John will continue his effort to meet with the Church Pastor about ways we might support the Church’s youth program.  Additionally, he is seeking volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.  Finally, WPS needs to update our organizational contact information at various philatelic websites.

John read Helen R’s report as the outgoing Vice-President.  She offered additional detail on the meetings cancelled, conducted via ZOOM, and held in-person.  Several presentations, bourses, and auctions were conducted last year.  Finally, Helen successfully transferred the Club to our new website and has tutored Steve M and John on uploading content.

Steve M explained that the Club roster was solid at 30 regular remembers and three life members.  He also mentioned the website transition, and he appealed to the members to consider serving on the Board next year.

Tim S summarized our financial status for the year.  Three meeting dates were cancelled and had no financial activity.  Overall, annual income was $1,648 compared to $1,134 in expenses.  Thus, the Club netted $514 last year.  The most significant expenses were the “Christmas in July Picnic” ($529), the meeting rental ($300), and website improvements ($202).

There were no specific comments from Bruce P, Richard P, or Jimmy J, who was unable to attend. (Jimmy was the outgoing Secretary.)

Old Business

Stamp donations were previously discussed, so John started with a comment about ordering supplies from Subway Stamp Company—the larger the group order, the smaller the postage and handling fees per customer.  Sandy M remains the point of contact for these orders.

Our meeting night remains the same – there was no consensus to change it at this time despite a conflict with the Coin Club Board of Directors meeting.

At the next WPS Board meeting, the Club’s constitution and bylaws will be reviewed.  So far, no members have expressed any concerns.  (Possible points of issue would be the update of officer duties and responsibilities as well as the Club’s regular meeting night.)

This year’s picnic is confirmed for July 20th, 3-7 PM, Long Leaf Park, pavilion #5.  More information will follow as the date approaches.

The Myrtle Beach Stamp Club anticipates hosting a stamp show again in February, 2023 and also in 2024.

Members willing to serve on the Membership Outreach Committee should contact John.

The next WPS meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 7 PM, and will be a stamp Bourse.  John estimates about 75 Club lots will be available, but members are encouraged to bring their own philatelic items for sale, too.  (No commission!!)  The Bourse will start after a short business meeting.

The WPS stamp table at the Azalea Coin Show was successful.  WPS participants on either Saturday or Sunday included John D, Bruce P, Hondo D, Bob D, Sandy M, Tim S, and Steve M.  On Sunday morning, John and Steve were able to review a very nice inherited stamp collection.

Helen remains a resource for our website as the official Administrator/Webmaster.  Members are encouraged to forward photos or articles to Steve M for possible publication on our site.

New Business

John has business cards with Club contact information.  Members are encouraged to pick up a few cards at WPS meetings to distribute to prospective members or to post on bulletin boards.

USPS has proposed postage rate increases on July 10.  For example, first class postage will increase from 58 cents to 60 cents for the first ounce.  Additional ounces will be 24 cents instead of the current 20 cents.  Other postage rates will rise.

The Postal Reform Act was signed by President Biden, and this gives USPS a firm foundation for the future. John distributed a news article on the legislation, written by Will Weissert and Zeke Miller of the Associated Press. “The new law ends a requirement that the Postal Service finance workers’ health care benefits ahead of time for the next 75 years”.  That provision had tied up USPS finances for many years!

Richard mentioned that the Church will be hosting a meeting to discuss the recent increase in Wilmington thefts and break-ins.  This has been scheduled for 6PM on May 3, and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office will be making a presentation.

John suggested a future discussion topic for the Club: Where do we buy stamps?  Some dealers are more reputable than others, and there are various low-cost sources that we could share with each other.

The final note before adjournment was the question posed by Richard, will stamps ever become Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)?

At 8:07 the meeting was adjourned.

Steve M
WPS Secretary

March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by 18 March 2022, 9:30 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended, but no guests. All Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign in.


John mentioned that legislation is in the works to improve funding for USPS. (The bill has been approved by the House and the Senate and is pending the President’s signature.)  John also reported that he was contacted (as an APS Chapter President) by a researcher, Oliver Louis Jean Barry, exploring the relationships between stamps and country history.  John will consider the request in greater detail and consider whether WPS should reply.   Richard reminded the Club that Wilmington philatelic history is available at a website he and his wife have created.

David W announced that he was returning to Ohio next month and thanked the Club for its warm and friendly support.  The Club bid David a fond farewell.

Open Forum

Hondo D asked why we were still wearing masks, and Steve pointed out that even though Covid-19 infections are decreasing, they are still 3 times higher than the low point last June.  Additionally, only about 60% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated (slightly below the national average).  Finally, older persons are still advised to wear masks indoors.  John stated we will revisit our current mask policy at a later date as conditions change.  Hondo explained that the Coin Club doesn’t wear masks, but their meetings are held during a meal.

Bruce P stated that he is continuing to collect stamps on paper and can now mail them to an organization for therapeutic use.  The stamps shouldn’t be trimmed of excess paper as the trimming is part of the rehabilitation activity.  The veterans are not stamp collectors with a philatelic interest.  John continues to collect donations of off-paper stamps, and these go to veterans who are collectors, or they are re-sold to benefit the charity.  The off-paper stamps need to be sorted so that US and foreign are in separate envelopes or bags.

Martin M asked how the prices of Stamps for Sale were marked, and members explained how this was done with 3×5 cards attached to each philatelic item on the Sale Table.  Stamps tend to be grouped into a package (envelope or binder) rather than listed separately, but it is possible for a lot to be a single stamp.  Members may present items for sale, too, not just the Club.

Tim announced that Mission BBQ was honoring Vietnam War Veterans on March 29 by offering them a free sandwich.  March 29th is the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

John presented the slate of Board members for 2022-2023 and asked for additional nominations from the floor.  As there were no additional nominations, the slate was declared duly elected.  Photos of the new Board were taken later in the meeting.  The slate is:  John D, President; Hondo D, Vice-President; Tim S, Treasurer; Steve M, Secretary; Bruce P, Director; Richard P, Director (Past-President).

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that she would continue with a refresh of the WPS website, meeting with John and Steve by ZOOM in the near future. She also gave a preview of the topical stamp collecting presentation to follow after the business meeting.  Note: In the future, Hondo D will schedule program presentations, and the next open date is September.

Steve stated that dues were continuing to come in with most of the members in good standing.  He will work with Helen and John to add more content to the website.

Treasurer Tim Snyder reported a net increase of $258.45 for the past month with proceeds from the Club Auction offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  Tim also passed out an article about Amelia Earhart postal history.

Bruce had no additional news to report, but Richard showed a framed display of digital stamps that he and his wife assembled.   This display will be part of the WPS stamp table at the upcoming Azalea Coin Show, 9-10 April.

Old Business:

Marine Cancellations (Camp Lejeune).  Richard doesn’t yet know how many special cancellations were processed by the Wilmington Post Office.

Subway Stamp Company.  John summarized the Board’s discussion of process on this point, and Sandy Montalto will handle all orders.  Sandy will collect funds from members when the supplies are received and delivered.  So far only one order has been submitted to Sandy.  Members were encouraged to visit Subway’s website and email orders to Sandy.  He will likely order later in the week.

Azalea Coin Club Stamp Table.  John and Hondo explained that the stamp table will be near the front of the building.  Members are welcome to attend and to help staff the stamp table.  Several items will be on display as well as tubs of stamps for “new collectors” to look through and sample.

Upcoming Programs.  John stated that the April 18 meeting will include the installation of officers, annual reports, and informal “show and tell”.   The May meeting will include a Bourse following the business meeting.  Jimmy Jordan will make a presentation at the June meeting, and the Board voted to conduct a picnic at Long Leaf Park in July.  More information will follow on the picnic (likely mid to late July depending upon the availability of the desired Shelter #5.)

 New Business:

John reinforced the website refresh which is underway this year.

John also asked members to think about our meeting night – is 3rd Tuesday night still OK, or should we return to 2nd Tuesday night if the Church can accommodate?  A straw poll may be taken next month. (Note: Hondo said the Coin Club is considering a change in the night their Board of Directors regularly meets.)

The Board voted to donate $100 to the APS Mighty Duck Club inasmuch as we don’t need to pay annual dues since we have a sufficient number of APS members in the Club.

Another recent decision by the Board was to establish a Membership Outreach Committee, so John asked members to consider volunteering for that effort.

Finally, the Board is reviewing the Constitution and By-Laws for possible update.  Members may view these documents at the WPS website and forward comments to Steve (Secretary) or report them at our next monthly meeting.

World of Philately

 Jimmy was unable to attend so John gave the update on USPS at the beginning of the meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 after a motion to adjourn was submitted, seconded, and approved.

Program – Topical Stamp Collecting

Helen introduced the discussion by referring the Club to and introducing two members who shared their topical stamp collecting materials.  Sandy M briefly reviewed a topical collection that included binders with such philatelic themes as windmills, ships, butterflies, and turtles.  Dave S then explained his interest in tennis stamps, recounting the discovery of a Great Britain stamp with a Wimbledon postmark.  He also displayed “letter writing” stamps from Japan, and pointed out that he had an interest in scouting stamps.  Members were invited to stay for a bit and review the topical stamp binders.

After a few photos were taken, members were free to mingle, make one last stamp table purchase, or depart.

Steve M, Secretary  Wilmington Philatelic Society


February 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended after late arrivals were counted. Johnny J joined the Club as our newest member!

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum but John acknowledged the APS interview with Richard P, and the link to the article was subsequently emailed to all members.

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that the website had been updated, especially the contact form, which is now on the home page.  All inquiries go directly to John, and he re-routes them as needed.

Steve M encouraged members to review the new website and reported that he had mailed the renewal letters for dues

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $16.70 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses.  Tim also passed out an article the impact criminal Pretty Boy Floyd had on philately.  Floyd’s first robbery, at the age of 18, was a post office. After he and others committed many post office robberies, the idea of overprints for Kansas and Nebraska was introduced in an unsuccessful effort to stop robbers.  The overprinted stamps could only be sold within their respective states.  The practice was discontinued in 1930.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

Feb 25 is the last day for special Camp Lejeune Marine Corps cancellations by the Wilmington Post Office.

John confirmed the stamp table will be available at the Azalea Festival Coin Show on 9-10 April.  Members can volunteer to staff the table.  The show will be held at the Elks Lodge building on Oleander Drive in Wilmington.

Sandy has contacted the Subway Stamp Shop about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.  The process will be for members to review Subway’s online catalog, send orders to Sandy for consolidation, and pay Sandy later after all calculations are made

John reminded members that next month’s meeting (15 March) will involve election of officers followed by a presentation by Helen on topical stamp collecting.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

 New Business:

John brought up the importance of tracking stamp sales and each Bourse or Auction.  Members were reminded to give Tim all pertinent lot information when making payments.

The Club is planning on another July Picnic to offset the lack of a December 2021 Holiday Party.  Members were invited to think about possible dates.

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared a story about a recent philatelic purchase he made which was sent to him by registered mail, and then returned to the vendor weeks later as undeliverable due to a lack of an appropriate receptacle.  The vendor re-sent the order via regular first class mail, and it arrived without incident.

Jimmy reported another failure of USPS to deliver a quarterly magazine published by an international society for Japanese stamps.  The society had to republish and re-mail all magazines sent to US members because USPS lost the first shipment.

Finally, Great Britain has announced plans to add a data matrix (bar code) to new definitive and Christmas stamps.  These are to replace previously printed definitive and Christmas stamps which will no longer be valid after a grace period (about one year).  Will other countries follow suit?

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.  Members were allowed about 13 minutes to preview lot items. 


Six members and the Club submitted lots for auction.  Rob V served as the auctioneer with assistance from Helen.  The auction lasted about an hour.

Steve M, Acting Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society

January 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 January 2022, 10:52 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening and our next meeting on 15 February (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum.

Officer Reports

Helen R had nothing new to report as Vice President.

Steve stated that the two new members had paid dues for the next year, and our membership stood at 33.  Annual dues renewal letters will be mailed in February.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $69.01 for the past month with proceeds from the Bourse offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses. 

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

John announced that Hondo D won the trivia contest in December.  He was presented with a certificate and a prize.

John and Helen will look into additional charitable organizations to whom we could donate stamps. John also indicated that the next Board meeting would likely be held at the church, and the Pastor will be invited to attend so we can learn more about how WPS might assist youth programs related to stamp collecting.

Richard handed out special Camp Lejeune cancelled covers that used stamps he donated.  Thank you, Richard!

Sandy will talk to the Subway Stamp Company about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.

John reminded members of the Azalea Coin Show on 9-10 April because WPS will operate a stamp table as we have done in the past.  Members were invited to participate.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

John encouraged members to look at the remaining Bourse lots after the business meeting.  Unsold lots will be saved for future Auction or Bourse meetings.

 New Business:

The February meeting will be an Auction.  Auction sheets (two copies needed) and instructions are available at the WPS website.  Members may submit up to 10 lots.  Arrive early next month as the order of the lots in the Auction will be based on the sign-in order.

The March meeting will include the election of officers and then a presentation by Helen on the American Topical Association.

Richard pointed out that the last issue of the USPS Biweekly Bulletin recognized WPS for their contribution of the Camp Lejeune cancellations (Kudos Richard!!)

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared an email he received from Wendell T’s daughter regarding his current activities in a Maryland retirement community.  The letter offered a lot of detail about Wendell’s life and was very touching.

 Other Remarks

John shared information about our two new members along with Fred P, a current member who now resides in Florida.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Helen briefly explained the Christmas Philatelic Society, a chapter within the American Philatelic Society.  Using a spiffy, colored handout, Helen walked the Club through the information she gained during a December 2021 virtual meeting.

Following Helen’s presentation, members made last minute purchases from the Bourse remainders before departing the meeting.

Steve M, Acting Secretary,
Wilmington Philatelic Society

September 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 2022



August 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society

 Published by, 19 August 2022, 8:37 AM 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice-President Hondo D. Seventeen members were present and two visitors dropped by to make a philatelic donation. John D. and Bruce P. were absent.

Hondo welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He also asked if any members who attended the July picnic left without an envelope.  There being none, he started with reports.

Hondo discussed the July picnic and our hope to have a USPS presentation in September.  However, the presenter, Lori T. (Customer Relations), has left USPS and the Club hasn’t been able to track her down.

For the Secretary’s report, Steve M. noted that the Board voted on two e-motions.  The Club donated $100 to Cape Fear Detachment 1070, Wilmington, Marine Corps Ball, and the Board approved an advertisement in the Ball program.  Also, the Board approved a motion for a special Scout pictorial cancellation which Richard explained later.

Tim gave a detailed Treasurer’s report on last month’s revenues and expenses.   There was a net loss of $537.86, largely due to the July picnic.  (Next month’s report will reflect the substantial proceeds from tonight’s auction.)

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to collect US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

Steve M. reported that members will vote on amendments to Club By-Laws in September.  He briefly summarized the update to Secretary duties and the proposal to omit “third Tuesday” as the Club meeting night.  Instead, the By-Laws will just state that we will meet monthly without locking us into a specific date or time.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so Hondo requested that members consider serving on the Board.

The WPS website has been updated to omit last names.  Minutes, going forward, will omit last names. 

New Business:

Hondo asked members to call or e-mail him about program ideas for future meetings.  The Club wants to be responsive to the interests of its members.

Richard explained the pictorial cancellation to be issued by the Wilmington Post Office.  It will be applied for a 30-day period and become available on September 6th.  Members may take in a stamped letter and have the cancellation applied at the downtown post office.  Richard also passed around his book of cachets in case members wanted to provide a stamp to obtain a cancelled envelope with cachet.  See Richard for more details.

Steve M. read a request received by Dave M. regarding his interest Scott Specialized Stamp Albums for Austria and East Germany along with supplements for such countries as Canada, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, US, and United Nations.  He is also looking for supplements for the H.E. Harris US Plate Block album.  Dave collects stamps for all of the listed countries.

Member Open Forum:

Richard introduced his son and grandson.

World of Philately:

Jimmy J. reported that the postal reform bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  This should ease some of USPS’ financial burden.  Jimmy also discussed the growing digitization of stamp catalogs, explaining a new subscription service being started for Scott stamp listings.  Pricing information isn’t available yet, and one member suggested the Club consider contacting the Public Library about obtaining a subscription.  Richard offered to provide is 2006 Scott Album CDs for copying if any Club Member is interested.  Finally, Jimmy noted that counterfeiting of US postage stamps (by China and others) is out of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.  A successful auction followed with many US and worldwide lots and collections offered by the Club and several different members.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

published by 25 July 22 at 11:15 AM

The July meeting was a Club picnic, so no business was discussed.  Thirteen members and six of their guests enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and pleasant conversation under the protection of Shelter #5.  On behalf of the Club, John D. provided members with a philatelic gift of mint US stamps (mine was a set of plate blocks along with the 3-stamp magic disappearing rabbit set.) Many thanks to all who prepared for and cleaned up after the event.

June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

published by 27 June 22 at 1:30 PM; amended 18 August 22

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John D. Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags.

Visitor Andy A. was introduced and he told us a little about himself. Andy completed an membership application and joined the club.

President John D.: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Items are displayed on the FREE and SALES tables for member’s perusal. The next meeting will be the Club Picnic on July 20. The picnic will be held at Long Leaf Park shelter #5 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and will be catered by Pine Valley Market. Come at your convenience during that time. Please RSVP to Treasurer Tim S. by July 13. RSVP is very important for food preparation planning. Members and their guests are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person.  There will be no meeting at the church in July. The next meeting at the church will be August 16 and will be an auction. Auction Rules and Forms are available on the Club Website. John continues to pursue the possibility of having the Wilmington Post Office Customer Relations representative attend a club meeting, possibly in September.

Vice President Hondo D.:  Absent, no report.

Secretary Steve M.: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S.: Gains included $1.15 donation, $20.00 dues, and sales $128.42. Expenditure of $35.00 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3815.37.

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

Highlights of the Postal Reform Act and the USPS House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

New Business:

The Club’s votes in the APS/APRL annual election have been submitted.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the Club Constitution and Bylaws and will present some minor changes to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

Secretary Steve M. will resign from his office on December 31, 2022. The Club will need someone to step up and fill this position. Contact President John D. or Secretary Steve M. if interested.

To improve the membership’s privacy, the Board has decided that last names will no longer be used on public forums such as the website and meeting minutes. Only first names and last initial will be used.

The Board has decided to not pursue a closer relationship with the Asheville Stamp Club. The great distance between the clubs makes such a proposal unsustainable

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Jimmy J. presented an informative and entertaining Power Point slideshow on the fun of collecting North Carolina Dead Post Offices.

Submitted by Jimmy J. for WPS Secretary Steve M.

May 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)

published by on 3 June 2022 at 3:21 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. Three visitors, Richard C, Steve D, and John B. were also present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags. The visitors were introduced and each told us a little about themselves. Steve D and John B joined WPS by completing a membership application and paying dues.

President John D: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Tonight’s meeting is a bourse with club and members’ lots for sale along with the table of free items. The next meeting, June 21, will feature a presentation by Jimmy Jordan.

Vice President Hondo D:  Tonight’s program is a bourse and next meeting’s program will be a presentation by Jimmy J.

Secretary Steve M: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S: A gain of $10 in dues and expenditure of $35 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3700. A photo was shown showing renovations of our old meeting room at Pearsall Presbyterian Church by the new owner PBC Design.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic is scheduled for July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

Wilmington Philatelic Society business cards are available on the sign-in table.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

New Business:

John is attempting to have Lori T, USPS Wilmington Customer Relations Coordinator, attend a Club meeting to give us some insight into the workings of the Postal Service.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The stamp bourse was a success with many lots being sold.

Submitted by Jimmy Jordan for WPS Secretary Steve M

April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by on April 23,2022 at 10:17 am

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by President John D. Eleven members attended, but no guests. All new Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone, explained the use of name badges, and reminded members to sign in on the clip board.


John explained that the Board recently held an e-mail vote and determined that face masks will be optional at WPS meetings until further notice.   (Two members present wore face masks.)  He also pointed out the Free Table.  All previous Sale Table lots were sold.

The final action under Announcements was the installation of officers for the 2022-23 program year.  Robert V read the official notice of installation:  President, John D; Vice-President, Hondo D, Treasurer, Tim S; Secretary, Steve M; Board Member at Large, Bruce P Past President, Richard P.

 Open Forum

Bruce announced he was accepting on-paper stamps for a Veteran’s organization in Fayetteville.  Hondo added that he was also accepting donations of on-paper stamps for Scouts.  John indicated that he is still collecting off-paper stamps for another Veteran’s group.

Annual Reports

John D was the first to report the progress the Club made last year.  We missed some meetings, used ZOOM for some, and finally re-located to the Southside Baptist Church, which has proven to be a good fit with the Club’s meeting needs.  Other stamp clubs have not fared as well, including the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club and another group in the Chapel Hill-Raleigh area.  John will continue his effort to meet with the Church Pastor about ways we might support the Church’s youth program.  Additionally, he is seeking volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.  Finally, WPS needs to update our organizational contact information at various philatelic websites.

John read Helen R’s report as the outgoing Vice-President.  She offered additional detail on the meetings cancelled, conducted via ZOOM, and held in-person.  Several presentations, bourses, and auctions were conducted last year.  Finally, Helen successfully transferred the Club to our new website and has tutored Steve M and John on uploading content.

Steve M explained that the Club roster was solid at 30 regular remembers and three life members.  He also mentioned the website transition, and he appealed to the members to consider serving on the Board next year.

Tim S summarized our financial status for the year.  Three meeting dates were cancelled and had no financial activity.  Overall, annual income was $1,648 compared to $1,134 in expenses.  Thus, the Club netted $514 last year.  The most significant expenses were the “Christmas in July Picnic” ($529), the meeting rental ($300), and website improvements ($202).

There were no specific comments from Bruce P, Richard P, or Jimmy J, who was unable to attend. (Jimmy was the outgoing Secretary.)

Old Business

Stamp donations were previously discussed, so John started with a comment about ordering supplies from Subway Stamp Company—the larger the group order, the smaller the postage and handling fees per customer.  Sandy M remains the point of contact for these orders.

Our meeting night remains the same – there was no consensus to change it at this time despite a conflict with the Coin Club Board of Directors meeting.

At the next WPS Board meeting, the Club’s constitution and bylaws will be reviewed.  So far, no members have expressed any concerns.  (Possible points of issue would be the update of officer duties and responsibilities as well as the Club’s regular meeting night.)

This year’s picnic is confirmed for July 20th, 3-7 PM, Long Leaf Park, pavilion #5.  More information will follow as the date approaches.

The Myrtle Beach Stamp Club anticipates hosting a stamp show again in February, 2023 and also in 2024.

Members willing to serve on the Membership Outreach Committee should contact John.

The next WPS meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 7 PM, and will be a stamp Bourse.  John estimates about 75 Club lots will be available, but members are encouraged to bring their own philatelic items for sale, too.  (No commission!!)  The Bourse will start after a short business meeting.

The WPS stamp table at the Azalea Coin Show was successful.  WPS participants on either Saturday or Sunday included John D, Bruce P, Hondo D, Bob D, Sandy M, Tim S, and Steve M.  On Sunday morning, John and Steve were able to review a very nice inherited stamp collection.

Helen remains a resource for our website as the official Administrator/Webmaster.  Members are encouraged to forward photos or articles to Steve M for possible publication on our site.

New Business

John has business cards with Club contact information.  Members are encouraged to pick up a few cards at WPS meetings to distribute to prospective members or to post on bulletin boards.

USPS has proposed postage rate increases on July 10.  For example, first class postage will increase from 58 cents to 60 cents for the first ounce.  Additional ounces will be 24 cents instead of the current 20 cents.  Other postage rates will rise.

The Postal Reform Act was signed by President Biden, and this gives USPS a firm foundation for the future. John distributed a news article on the legislation, written by Will Weissert and Zeke Miller of the Associated Press. “The new law ends a requirement that the Postal Service finance workers’ health care benefits ahead of time for the next 75 years”.  That provision had tied up USPS finances for many years!

Richard mentioned that the Church will be hosting a meeting to discuss the recent increase in Wilmington thefts and break-ins.  This has been scheduled for 6PM on May 3, and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office will be making a presentation.

John suggested a future discussion topic for the Club: Where do we buy stamps?  Some dealers are more reputable than others, and there are various low-cost sources that we could share with each other.

The final note before adjournment was the question posed by Richard, will stamps ever become Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)?

At 8:07 the meeting was adjourned.

Steve M
WPS Secretary

March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by 18 March 2022, 9:30 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended, but no guests. All Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign in.


John mentioned that legislation is in the works to improve funding for USPS. (The bill has been approved by the House and the Senate and is pending the President’s signature.)  John also reported that he was contacted (as an APS Chapter President) by a researcher, Oliver Louis Jean Barry, exploring the relationships between stamps and country history.  John will consider the request in greater detail and consider whether WPS should reply.   Richard reminded the Club that Wilmington philatelic history is available at a website he and his wife have created.

David W announced that he was returning to Ohio next month and thanked the Club for its warm and friendly support.  The Club bid David a fond farewell.

Open Forum

Hondo D asked why we were still wearing masks, and Steve pointed out that even though Covid-19 infections are decreasing, they are still 3 times higher than the low point last June.  Additionally, only about 60% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated (slightly below the national average).  Finally, older persons are still advised to wear masks indoors.  John stated we will revisit our current mask policy at a later date as conditions change.  Hondo explained that the Coin Club doesn’t wear masks, but their meetings are held during a meal.

Bruce P stated that he is continuing to collect stamps on paper and can now mail them to an organization for therapeutic use.  The stamps shouldn’t be trimmed of excess paper as the trimming is part of the rehabilitation activity.  The veterans are not stamp collectors with a philatelic interest.  John continues to collect donations of off-paper stamps, and these go to veterans who are collectors, or they are re-sold to benefit the charity.  The off-paper stamps need to be sorted so that US and foreign are in separate envelopes or bags.

Martin M asked how the prices of Stamps for Sale were marked, and members explained how this was done with 3×5 cards attached to each philatelic item on the Sale Table.  Stamps tend to be grouped into a package (envelope or binder) rather than listed separately, but it is possible for a lot to be a single stamp.  Members may present items for sale, too, not just the Club.

Tim announced that Mission BBQ was honoring Vietnam War Veterans on March 29 by offering them a free sandwich.  March 29th is the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

John presented the slate of Board members for 2022-2023 and asked for additional nominations from the floor.  As there were no additional nominations, the slate was declared duly elected.  Photos of the new Board were taken later in the meeting.  The slate is:  John D, President; Hondo D, Vice-President; Tim S, Treasurer; Steve M, Secretary; Bruce P, Director; Richard P, Director (Past-President).

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that she would continue with a refresh of the WPS website, meeting with John and Steve by ZOOM in the near future. She also gave a preview of the topical stamp collecting presentation to follow after the business meeting.  Note: In the future, Hondo D will schedule program presentations, and the next open date is September.

Steve stated that dues were continuing to come in with most of the members in good standing.  He will work with Helen and John to add more content to the website.

Treasurer Tim Snyder reported a net increase of $258.45 for the past month with proceeds from the Club Auction offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  Tim also passed out an article about Amelia Earhart postal history.

Bruce had no additional news to report, but Richard showed a framed display of digital stamps that he and his wife assembled.   This display will be part of the WPS stamp table at the upcoming Azalea Coin Show, 9-10 April.

Old Business:

Marine Cancellations (Camp Lejeune).  Richard doesn’t yet know how many special cancellations were processed by the Wilmington Post Office.

Subway Stamp Company.  John summarized the Board’s discussion of process on this point, and Sandy Montalto will handle all orders.  Sandy will collect funds from members when the supplies are received and delivered.  So far only one order has been submitted to Sandy.  Members were encouraged to visit Subway’s website and email orders to Sandy.  He will likely order later in the week.

Azalea Coin Club Stamp Table.  John and Hondo explained that the stamp table will be near the front of the building.  Members are welcome to attend and to help staff the stamp table.  Several items will be on display as well as tubs of stamps for “new collectors” to look through and sample.

Upcoming Programs.  John stated that the April 18 meeting will include the installation of officers, annual reports, and informal “show and tell”.   The May meeting will include a Bourse following the business meeting.  Jimmy Jordan will make a presentation at the June meeting, and the Board voted to conduct a picnic at Long Leaf Park in July.  More information will follow on the picnic (likely mid to late July depending upon the availability of the desired Shelter #5.)

 New Business:

John reinforced the website refresh which is underway this year.

John also asked members to think about our meeting night – is 3rd Tuesday night still OK, or should we return to 2nd Tuesday night if the Church can accommodate?  A straw poll may be taken next month. (Note: Hondo said the Coin Club is considering a change in the night their Board of Directors regularly meets.)

The Board voted to donate $100 to the APS Mighty Duck Club inasmuch as we don’t need to pay annual dues since we have a sufficient number of APS members in the Club.

Another recent decision by the Board was to establish a Membership Outreach Committee, so John asked members to consider volunteering for that effort.

Finally, the Board is reviewing the Constitution and By-Laws for possible update.  Members may view these documents at the WPS website and forward comments to Steve (Secretary) or report them at our next monthly meeting.

World of Philately

 Jimmy was unable to attend so John gave the update on USPS at the beginning of the meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 after a motion to adjourn was submitted, seconded, and approved.

Program – Topical Stamp Collecting

Helen introduced the discussion by referring the Club to and introducing two members who shared their topical stamp collecting materials.  Sandy M briefly reviewed a topical collection that included binders with such philatelic themes as windmills, ships, butterflies, and turtles.  Dave S then explained his interest in tennis stamps, recounting the discovery of a Great Britain stamp with a Wimbledon postmark.  He also displayed “letter writing” stamps from Japan, and pointed out that he had an interest in scouting stamps.  Members were invited to stay for a bit and review the topical stamp binders.

After a few photos were taken, members were free to mingle, make one last stamp table purchase, or depart.

Steve M, Secretary  Wilmington Philatelic Society


February 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended after late arrivals were counted. Johnny J joined the Club as our newest member!

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum but John acknowledged the APS interview with Richard P, and the link to the article was subsequently emailed to all members.

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that the website had been updated, especially the contact form, which is now on the home page.  All inquiries go directly to John, and he re-routes them as needed.

Steve M encouraged members to review the new website and reported that he had mailed the renewal letters for dues

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $16.70 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses.  Tim also passed out an article the impact criminal Pretty Boy Floyd had on philately.  Floyd’s first robbery, at the age of 18, was a post office. After he and others committed many post office robberies, the idea of overprints for Kansas and Nebraska was introduced in an unsuccessful effort to stop robbers.  The overprinted stamps could only be sold within their respective states.  The practice was discontinued in 1930.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

Feb 25 is the last day for special Camp Lejeune Marine Corps cancellations by the Wilmington Post Office.

John confirmed the stamp table will be available at the Azalea Festival Coin Show on 9-10 April.  Members can volunteer to staff the table.  The show will be held at the Elks Lodge building on Oleander Drive in Wilmington.

Sandy has contacted the Subway Stamp Shop about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.  The process will be for members to review Subway’s online catalog, send orders to Sandy for consolidation, and pay Sandy later after all calculations are made

John reminded members that next month’s meeting (15 March) will involve election of officers followed by a presentation by Helen on topical stamp collecting.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

 New Business:

John brought up the importance of tracking stamp sales and each Bourse or Auction.  Members were reminded to give Tim all pertinent lot information when making payments.

The Club is planning on another July Picnic to offset the lack of a December 2021 Holiday Party.  Members were invited to think about possible dates.

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared a story about a recent philatelic purchase he made which was sent to him by registered mail, and then returned to the vendor weeks later as undeliverable due to a lack of an appropriate receptacle.  The vendor re-sent the order via regular first class mail, and it arrived without incident.

Jimmy reported another failure of USPS to deliver a quarterly magazine published by an international society for Japanese stamps.  The society had to republish and re-mail all magazines sent to US members because USPS lost the first shipment.

Finally, Great Britain has announced plans to add a data matrix (bar code) to new definitive and Christmas stamps.  These are to replace previously printed definitive and Christmas stamps which will no longer be valid after a grace period (about one year).  Will other countries follow suit?

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.  Members were allowed about 13 minutes to preview lot items. 


Six members and the Club submitted lots for auction.  Rob V served as the auctioneer with assistance from Helen.  The auction lasted about an hour.

Steve M, Acting Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society

January 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 January 2022, 10:52 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening and our next meeting on 15 February (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum.

Officer Reports

Helen R had nothing new to report as Vice President.

Steve stated that the two new members had paid dues for the next year, and our membership stood at 33.  Annual dues renewal letters will be mailed in February.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $69.01 for the past month with proceeds from the Bourse offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses. 

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

John announced that Hondo D won the trivia contest in December.  He was presented with a certificate and a prize.

John and Helen will look into additional charitable organizations to whom we could donate stamps. John also indicated that the next Board meeting would likely be held at the church, and the Pastor will be invited to attend so we can learn more about how WPS might assist youth programs related to stamp collecting.

Richard handed out special Camp Lejeune cancelled covers that used stamps he donated.  Thank you, Richard!

Sandy will talk to the Subway Stamp Company about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.

John reminded members of the Azalea Coin Show on 9-10 April because WPS will operate a stamp table as we have done in the past.  Members were invited to participate.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

John encouraged members to look at the remaining Bourse lots after the business meeting.  Unsold lots will be saved for future Auction or Bourse meetings.

 New Business:

The February meeting will be an Auction.  Auction sheets (two copies needed) and instructions are available at the WPS website.  Members may submit up to 10 lots.  Arrive early next month as the order of the lots in the Auction will be based on the sign-in order.

The March meeting will include the election of officers and then a presentation by Helen on the American Topical Association.

Richard pointed out that the last issue of the USPS Biweekly Bulletin recognized WPS for their contribution of the Camp Lejeune cancellations (Kudos Richard!!)

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared an email he received from Wendell T’s daughter regarding his current activities in a Maryland retirement community.  The letter offered a lot of detail about Wendell’s life and was very touching.

 Other Remarks

John shared information about our two new members along with Fred P, a current member who now resides in Florida.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Helen briefly explained the Christmas Philatelic Society, a chapter within the American Philatelic Society.  Using a spiffy, colored handout, Helen walked the Club through the information she gained during a December 2021 virtual meeting.

Following Helen’s presentation, members made last minute purchases from the Bourse remainders before departing the meeting.

Steve M, Acting Secretary,
Wilmington Philatelic Society

September 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 2022



August 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society

 Published by, 19 August 2022, 8:37 AM 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice-President Hondo D. Seventeen members were present and two visitors dropped by to make a philatelic donation. John D. and Bruce P. were absent.

Hondo welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He also asked if any members who attended the July picnic left without an envelope.  There being none, he started with reports.

Hondo discussed the July picnic and our hope to have a USPS presentation in September.  However, the presenter, Lori T. (Customer Relations), has left USPS and the Club hasn’t been able to track her down.

For the Secretary’s report, Steve M. noted that the Board voted on two e-motions.  The Club donated $100 to Cape Fear Detachment 1070, Wilmington, Marine Corps Ball, and the Board approved an advertisement in the Ball program.  Also, the Board approved a motion for a special Scout pictorial cancellation which Richard explained later.

Tim gave a detailed Treasurer’s report on last month’s revenues and expenses.   There was a net loss of $537.86, largely due to the July picnic.  (Next month’s report will reflect the substantial proceeds from tonight’s auction.)

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to collect US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

Steve M. reported that members will vote on amendments to Club By-Laws in September.  He briefly summarized the update to Secretary duties and the proposal to omit “third Tuesday” as the Club meeting night.  Instead, the By-Laws will just state that we will meet monthly without locking us into a specific date or time.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so Hondo requested that members consider serving on the Board.

The WPS website has been updated to omit last names.  Minutes, going forward, will omit last names. 

New Business:

Hondo asked members to call or e-mail him about program ideas for future meetings.  The Club wants to be responsive to the interests of its members.

Richard explained the pictorial cancellation to be issued by the Wilmington Post Office.  It will be applied for a 30-day period and become available on September 6th.  Members may take in a stamped letter and have the cancellation applied at the downtown post office.  Richard also passed around his book of cachets in case members wanted to provide a stamp to obtain a cancelled envelope with cachet.  See Richard for more details.

Steve M. read a request received by Dave M. regarding his interest Scott Specialized Stamp Albums for Austria and East Germany along with supplements for such countries as Canada, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, US, and United Nations.  He is also looking for supplements for the H.E. Harris US Plate Block album.  Dave collects stamps for all of the listed countries.

Member Open Forum:

Richard introduced his son and grandson.

World of Philately:

Jimmy J. reported that the postal reform bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  This should ease some of USPS’ financial burden.  Jimmy also discussed the growing digitization of stamp catalogs, explaining a new subscription service being started for Scott stamp listings.  Pricing information isn’t available yet, and one member suggested the Club consider contacting the Public Library about obtaining a subscription.  Richard offered to provide is 2006 Scott Album CDs for copying if any Club Member is interested.  Finally, Jimmy noted that counterfeiting of US postage stamps (by China and others) is out of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.  A successful auction followed with many US and worldwide lots and collections offered by the Club and several different members.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

published by 25 July 22 at 11:15 AM

The July meeting was a Club picnic, so no business was discussed.  Thirteen members and six of their guests enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and pleasant conversation under the protection of Shelter #5.  On behalf of the Club, John D. provided members with a philatelic gift of mint US stamps (mine was a set of plate blocks along with the 3-stamp magic disappearing rabbit set.) Many thanks to all who prepared for and cleaned up after the event.

June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

published by 27 June 22 at 1:30 PM; amended 18 August 22

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John D. Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags.

Visitor Andy A. was introduced and he told us a little about himself. Andy completed an membership application and joined the club.

President John D.: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Items are displayed on the FREE and SALES tables for member’s perusal. The next meeting will be the Club Picnic on July 20. The picnic will be held at Long Leaf Park shelter #5 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and will be catered by Pine Valley Market. Come at your convenience during that time. Please RSVP to Treasurer Tim S. by July 13. RSVP is very important for food preparation planning. Members and their guests are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person.  There will be no meeting at the church in July. The next meeting at the church will be August 16 and will be an auction. Auction Rules and Forms are available on the Club Website. John continues to pursue the possibility of having the Wilmington Post Office Customer Relations representative attend a club meeting, possibly in September.

Vice President Hondo D.:  Absent, no report.

Secretary Steve M.: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S.: Gains included $1.15 donation, $20.00 dues, and sales $128.42. Expenditure of $35.00 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3815.37.

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

Highlights of the Postal Reform Act and the USPS House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

New Business:

The Club’s votes in the APS/APRL annual election have been submitted.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the Club Constitution and Bylaws and will present some minor changes to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

Secretary Steve M. will resign from his office on December 31, 2022. The Club will need someone to step up and fill this position. Contact President John D. or Secretary Steve M. if interested.

To improve the membership’s privacy, the Board has decided that last names will no longer be used on public forums such as the website and meeting minutes. Only first names and last initial will be used.

The Board has decided to not pursue a closer relationship with the Asheville Stamp Club. The great distance between the clubs makes such a proposal unsustainable

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Jimmy J. presented an informative and entertaining Power Point slideshow on the fun of collecting North Carolina Dead Post Offices.

Submitted by Jimmy J. for WPS Secretary Steve M.

May 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)

published by on 3 June 2022 at 3:21 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. Three visitors, Richard C, Steve D, and John B. were also present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags. The visitors were introduced and each told us a little about themselves. Steve D and John B joined WPS by completing a membership application and paying dues.

President John D: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Tonight’s meeting is a bourse with club and members’ lots for sale along with the table of free items. The next meeting, June 21, will feature a presentation by Jimmy Jordan.

Vice President Hondo D:  Tonight’s program is a bourse and next meeting’s program will be a presentation by Jimmy J.

Secretary Steve M: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S: A gain of $10 in dues and expenditure of $35 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3700. A photo was shown showing renovations of our old meeting room at Pearsall Presbyterian Church by the new owner PBC Design.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic is scheduled for July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

Wilmington Philatelic Society business cards are available on the sign-in table.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

New Business:

John is attempting to have Lori T, USPS Wilmington Customer Relations Coordinator, attend a Club meeting to give us some insight into the workings of the Postal Service.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The stamp bourse was a success with many lots being sold.

Submitted by Jimmy Jordan for WPS Secretary Steve M

April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by on April 23,2022 at 10:17 am

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by President John D. Eleven members attended, but no guests. All new Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone, explained the use of name badges, and reminded members to sign in on the clip board.


John explained that the Board recently held an e-mail vote and determined that face masks will be optional at WPS meetings until further notice.   (Two members present wore face masks.)  He also pointed out the Free Table.  All previous Sale Table lots were sold.

The final action under Announcements was the installation of officers for the 2022-23 program year.  Robert V read the official notice of installation:  President, John D; Vice-President, Hondo D, Treasurer, Tim S; Secretary, Steve M; Board Member at Large, Bruce P Past President, Richard P.

 Open Forum

Bruce announced he was accepting on-paper stamps for a Veteran’s organization in Fayetteville.  Hondo added that he was also accepting donations of on-paper stamps for Scouts.  John indicated that he is still collecting off-paper stamps for another Veteran’s group.

Annual Reports

John D was the first to report the progress the Club made last year.  We missed some meetings, used ZOOM for some, and finally re-located to the Southside Baptist Church, which has proven to be a good fit with the Club’s meeting needs.  Other stamp clubs have not fared as well, including the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club and another group in the Chapel Hill-Raleigh area.  John will continue his effort to meet with the Church Pastor about ways we might support the Church’s youth program.  Additionally, he is seeking volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.  Finally, WPS needs to update our organizational contact information at various philatelic websites.

John read Helen R’s report as the outgoing Vice-President.  She offered additional detail on the meetings cancelled, conducted via ZOOM, and held in-person.  Several presentations, bourses, and auctions were conducted last year.  Finally, Helen successfully transferred the Club to our new website and has tutored Steve M and John on uploading content.

Steve M explained that the Club roster was solid at 30 regular remembers and three life members.  He also mentioned the website transition, and he appealed to the members to consider serving on the Board next year.

Tim S summarized our financial status for the year.  Three meeting dates were cancelled and had no financial activity.  Overall, annual income was $1,648 compared to $1,134 in expenses.  Thus, the Club netted $514 last year.  The most significant expenses were the “Christmas in July Picnic” ($529), the meeting rental ($300), and website improvements ($202).

There were no specific comments from Bruce P, Richard P, or Jimmy J, who was unable to attend. (Jimmy was the outgoing Secretary.)

Old Business

Stamp donations were previously discussed, so John started with a comment about ordering supplies from Subway Stamp Company—the larger the group order, the smaller the postage and handling fees per customer.  Sandy M remains the point of contact for these orders.

Our meeting night remains the same – there was no consensus to change it at this time despite a conflict with the Coin Club Board of Directors meeting.

At the next WPS Board meeting, the Club’s constitution and bylaws will be reviewed.  So far, no members have expressed any concerns.  (Possible points of issue would be the update of officer duties and responsibilities as well as the Club’s regular meeting night.)

This year’s picnic is confirmed for July 20th, 3-7 PM, Long Leaf Park, pavilion #5.  More information will follow as the date approaches.

The Myrtle Beach Stamp Club anticipates hosting a stamp show again in February, 2023 and also in 2024.

Members willing to serve on the Membership Outreach Committee should contact John.

The next WPS meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 7 PM, and will be a stamp Bourse.  John estimates about 75 Club lots will be available, but members are encouraged to bring their own philatelic items for sale, too.  (No commission!!)  The Bourse will start after a short business meeting.

The WPS stamp table at the Azalea Coin Show was successful.  WPS participants on either Saturday or Sunday included John D, Bruce P, Hondo D, Bob D, Sandy M, Tim S, and Steve M.  On Sunday morning, John and Steve were able to review a very nice inherited stamp collection.

Helen remains a resource for our website as the official Administrator/Webmaster.  Members are encouraged to forward photos or articles to Steve M for possible publication on our site.

New Business

John has business cards with Club contact information.  Members are encouraged to pick up a few cards at WPS meetings to distribute to prospective members or to post on bulletin boards.

USPS has proposed postage rate increases on July 10.  For example, first class postage will increase from 58 cents to 60 cents for the first ounce.  Additional ounces will be 24 cents instead of the current 20 cents.  Other postage rates will rise.

The Postal Reform Act was signed by President Biden, and this gives USPS a firm foundation for the future. John distributed a news article on the legislation, written by Will Weissert and Zeke Miller of the Associated Press. “The new law ends a requirement that the Postal Service finance workers’ health care benefits ahead of time for the next 75 years”.  That provision had tied up USPS finances for many years!

Richard mentioned that the Church will be hosting a meeting to discuss the recent increase in Wilmington thefts and break-ins.  This has been scheduled for 6PM on May 3, and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office will be making a presentation.

John suggested a future discussion topic for the Club: Where do we buy stamps?  Some dealers are more reputable than others, and there are various low-cost sources that we could share with each other.

The final note before adjournment was the question posed by Richard, will stamps ever become Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)?

At 8:07 the meeting was adjourned.

Steve M
WPS Secretary

March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by 18 March 2022, 9:30 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended, but no guests. All Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign in.


John mentioned that legislation is in the works to improve funding for USPS. (The bill has been approved by the House and the Senate and is pending the President’s signature.)  John also reported that he was contacted (as an APS Chapter President) by a researcher, Oliver Louis Jean Barry, exploring the relationships between stamps and country history.  John will consider the request in greater detail and consider whether WPS should reply.   Richard reminded the Club that Wilmington philatelic history is available at a website he and his wife have created.

David W announced that he was returning to Ohio next month and thanked the Club for its warm and friendly support.  The Club bid David a fond farewell.

Open Forum

Hondo D asked why we were still wearing masks, and Steve pointed out that even though Covid-19 infections are decreasing, they are still 3 times higher than the low point last June.  Additionally, only about 60% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated (slightly below the national average).  Finally, older persons are still advised to wear masks indoors.  John stated we will revisit our current mask policy at a later date as conditions change.  Hondo explained that the Coin Club doesn’t wear masks, but their meetings are held during a meal.

Bruce P stated that he is continuing to collect stamps on paper and can now mail them to an organization for therapeutic use.  The stamps shouldn’t be trimmed of excess paper as the trimming is part of the rehabilitation activity.  The veterans are not stamp collectors with a philatelic interest.  John continues to collect donations of off-paper stamps, and these go to veterans who are collectors, or they are re-sold to benefit the charity.  The off-paper stamps need to be sorted so that US and foreign are in separate envelopes or bags.

Martin M asked how the prices of Stamps for Sale were marked, and members explained how this was done with 3×5 cards attached to each philatelic item on the Sale Table.  Stamps tend to be grouped into a package (envelope or binder) rather than listed separately, but it is possible for a lot to be a single stamp.  Members may present items for sale, too, not just the Club.

Tim announced that Mission BBQ was honoring Vietnam War Veterans on March 29 by offering them a free sandwich.  March 29th is the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

John presented the slate of Board members for 2022-2023 and asked for additional nominations from the floor.  As there were no additional nominations, the slate was declared duly elected.  Photos of the new Board were taken later in the meeting.  The slate is:  John D, President; Hondo D, Vice-President; Tim S, Treasurer; Steve M, Secretary; Bruce P, Director; Richard P, Director (Past-President).

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that she would continue with a refresh of the WPS website, meeting with John and Steve by ZOOM in the near future. She also gave a preview of the topical stamp collecting presentation to follow after the business meeting.  Note: In the future, Hondo D will schedule program presentations, and the next open date is September.

Steve stated that dues were continuing to come in with most of the members in good standing.  He will work with Helen and John to add more content to the website.

Treasurer Tim Snyder reported a net increase of $258.45 for the past month with proceeds from the Club Auction offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  Tim also passed out an article about Amelia Earhart postal history.

Bruce had no additional news to report, but Richard showed a framed display of digital stamps that he and his wife assembled.   This display will be part of the WPS stamp table at the upcoming Azalea Coin Show, 9-10 April.

Old Business:

Marine Cancellations (Camp Lejeune).  Richard doesn’t yet know how many special cancellations were processed by the Wilmington Post Office.

Subway Stamp Company.  John summarized the Board’s discussion of process on this point, and Sandy Montalto will handle all orders.  Sandy will collect funds from members when the supplies are received and delivered.  So far only one order has been submitted to Sandy.  Members were encouraged to visit Subway’s website and email orders to Sandy.  He will likely order later in the week.

Azalea Coin Club Stamp Table.  John and Hondo explained that the stamp table will be near the front of the building.  Members are welcome to attend and to help staff the stamp table.  Several items will be on display as well as tubs of stamps for “new collectors” to look through and sample.

Upcoming Programs.  John stated that the April 18 meeting will include the installation of officers, annual reports, and informal “show and tell”.   The May meeting will include a Bourse following the business meeting.  Jimmy Jordan will make a presentation at the June meeting, and the Board voted to conduct a picnic at Long Leaf Park in July.  More information will follow on the picnic (likely mid to late July depending upon the availability of the desired Shelter #5.)

 New Business:

John reinforced the website refresh which is underway this year.

John also asked members to think about our meeting night – is 3rd Tuesday night still OK, or should we return to 2nd Tuesday night if the Church can accommodate?  A straw poll may be taken next month. (Note: Hondo said the Coin Club is considering a change in the night their Board of Directors regularly meets.)

The Board voted to donate $100 to the APS Mighty Duck Club inasmuch as we don’t need to pay annual dues since we have a sufficient number of APS members in the Club.

Another recent decision by the Board was to establish a Membership Outreach Committee, so John asked members to consider volunteering for that effort.

Finally, the Board is reviewing the Constitution and By-Laws for possible update.  Members may view these documents at the WPS website and forward comments to Steve (Secretary) or report them at our next monthly meeting.

World of Philately

 Jimmy was unable to attend so John gave the update on USPS at the beginning of the meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 after a motion to adjourn was submitted, seconded, and approved.

Program – Topical Stamp Collecting

Helen introduced the discussion by referring the Club to and introducing two members who shared their topical stamp collecting materials.  Sandy M briefly reviewed a topical collection that included binders with such philatelic themes as windmills, ships, butterflies, and turtles.  Dave S then explained his interest in tennis stamps, recounting the discovery of a Great Britain stamp with a Wimbledon postmark.  He also displayed “letter writing” stamps from Japan, and pointed out that he had an interest in scouting stamps.  Members were invited to stay for a bit and review the topical stamp binders.

After a few photos were taken, members were free to mingle, make one last stamp table purchase, or depart.

Steve M, Secretary  Wilmington Philatelic Society


February 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended after late arrivals were counted. Johnny J joined the Club as our newest member!

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum but John acknowledged the APS interview with Richard P, and the link to the article was subsequently emailed to all members.

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that the website had been updated, especially the contact form, which is now on the home page.  All inquiries go directly to John, and he re-routes them as needed.

Steve M encouraged members to review the new website and reported that he had mailed the renewal letters for dues

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $16.70 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses.  Tim also passed out an article the impact criminal Pretty Boy Floyd had on philately.  Floyd’s first robbery, at the age of 18, was a post office. After he and others committed many post office robberies, the idea of overprints for Kansas and Nebraska was introduced in an unsuccessful effort to stop robbers.  The overprinted stamps could only be sold within their respective states.  The practice was discontinued in 1930.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

Feb 25 is the last day for special Camp Lejeune Marine Corps cancellations by the Wilmington Post Office.

John confirmed the stamp table will be available at the Azalea Festival Coin Show on 9-10 April.  Members can volunteer to staff the table.  The show will be held at the Elks Lodge building on Oleander Drive in Wilmington.

Sandy has contacted the Subway Stamp Shop about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.  The process will be for members to review Subway’s online catalog, send orders to Sandy for consolidation, and pay Sandy later after all calculations are made

John reminded members that next month’s meeting (15 March) will involve election of officers followed by a presentation by Helen on topical stamp collecting.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

 New Business:

John brought up the importance of tracking stamp sales and each Bourse or Auction.  Members were reminded to give Tim all pertinent lot information when making payments.

The Club is planning on another July Picnic to offset the lack of a December 2021 Holiday Party.  Members were invited to think about possible dates.

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared a story about a recent philatelic purchase he made which was sent to him by registered mail, and then returned to the vendor weeks later as undeliverable due to a lack of an appropriate receptacle.  The vendor re-sent the order via regular first class mail, and it arrived without incident.

Jimmy reported another failure of USPS to deliver a quarterly magazine published by an international society for Japanese stamps.  The society had to republish and re-mail all magazines sent to US members because USPS lost the first shipment.

Finally, Great Britain has announced plans to add a data matrix (bar code) to new definitive and Christmas stamps.  These are to replace previously printed definitive and Christmas stamps which will no longer be valid after a grace period (about one year).  Will other countries follow suit?

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.  Members were allowed about 13 minutes to preview lot items. 


Six members and the Club submitted lots for auction.  Rob V served as the auctioneer with assistance from Helen.  The auction lasted about an hour.

Steve M, Acting Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society

January 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 January 2022, 10:52 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening and our next meeting on 15 February (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum.

Officer Reports

Helen R had nothing new to report as Vice President.

Steve stated that the two new members had paid dues for the next year, and our membership stood at 33.  Annual dues renewal letters will be mailed in February.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $69.01 for the past month with proceeds from the Bourse offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses. 

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

John announced that Hondo D won the trivia contest in December.  He was presented with a certificate and a prize.

John and Helen will look into additional charitable organizations to whom we could donate stamps. John also indicated that the next Board meeting would likely be held at the church, and the Pastor will be invited to attend so we can learn more about how WPS might assist youth programs related to stamp collecting.

Richard handed out special Camp Lejeune cancelled covers that used stamps he donated.  Thank you, Richard!

Sandy will talk to the Subway Stamp Company about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.

John reminded members of the Azalea Coin Show on 9-10 April because WPS will operate a stamp table as we have done in the past.  Members were invited to participate.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

John encouraged members to look at the remaining Bourse lots after the business meeting.  Unsold lots will be saved for future Auction or Bourse meetings.

 New Business:

The February meeting will be an Auction.  Auction sheets (two copies needed) and instructions are available at the WPS website.  Members may submit up to 10 lots.  Arrive early next month as the order of the lots in the Auction will be based on the sign-in order.

The March meeting will include the election of officers and then a presentation by Helen on the American Topical Association.

Richard pointed out that the last issue of the USPS Biweekly Bulletin recognized WPS for their contribution of the Camp Lejeune cancellations (Kudos Richard!!)

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared an email he received from Wendell T’s daughter regarding his current activities in a Maryland retirement community.  The letter offered a lot of detail about Wendell’s life and was very touching.

 Other Remarks

John shared information about our two new members along with Fred P, a current member who now resides in Florida.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Helen briefly explained the Christmas Philatelic Society, a chapter within the American Philatelic Society.  Using a spiffy, colored handout, Helen walked the Club through the information she gained during a December 2021 virtual meeting.

Following Helen’s presentation, members made last minute purchases from the Bourse remainders before departing the meeting.

Steve M, Acting Secretary,
Wilmington Philatelic Society

Wilmington Philatelic Society 2022



August 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society

 Published by, 19 August 2022, 8:37 AM 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice-President Hondo D. Seventeen members were present and two visitors dropped by to make a philatelic donation. John D. and Bruce P. were absent.

Hondo welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He also asked if any members who attended the July picnic left without an envelope.  There being none, he started with reports.

Hondo discussed the July picnic and our hope to have a USPS presentation in September.  However, the presenter, Lori T. (Customer Relations), has left USPS and the Club hasn’t been able to track her down.

For the Secretary’s report, Steve M. noted that the Board voted on two e-motions.  The Club donated $100 to Cape Fear Detachment 1070, Wilmington, Marine Corps Ball, and the Board approved an advertisement in the Ball program.  Also, the Board approved a motion for a special Scout pictorial cancellation which Richard explained later.

Tim gave a detailed Treasurer’s report on last month’s revenues and expenses.   There was a net loss of $537.86, largely due to the July picnic.  (Next month’s report will reflect the substantial proceeds from tonight’s auction.)

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to collect US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

Steve M. reported that members will vote on amendments to Club By-Laws in September.  He briefly summarized the update to Secretary duties and the proposal to omit “third Tuesday” as the Club meeting night.  Instead, the By-Laws will just state that we will meet monthly without locking us into a specific date or time.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so Hondo requested that members consider serving on the Board.

The WPS website has been updated to omit last names.  Minutes, going forward, will omit last names. 

New Business:

Hondo asked members to call or e-mail him about program ideas for future meetings.  The Club wants to be responsive to the interests of its members.

Richard explained the pictorial cancellation to be issued by the Wilmington Post Office.  It will be applied for a 30-day period and become available on September 6th.  Members may take in a stamped letter and have the cancellation applied at the downtown post office.  Richard also passed around his book of cachets in case members wanted to provide a stamp to obtain a cancelled envelope with cachet.  See Richard for more details.

Steve M. read a request received by Dave M. regarding his interest Scott Specialized Stamp Albums for Austria and East Germany along with supplements for such countries as Canada, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, US, and United Nations.  He is also looking for supplements for the H.E. Harris US Plate Block album.  Dave collects stamps for all of the listed countries.

Member Open Forum:

Richard introduced his son and grandson.

World of Philately:

Jimmy J. reported that the postal reform bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  This should ease some of USPS’ financial burden.  Jimmy also discussed the growing digitization of stamp catalogs, explaining a new subscription service being started for Scott stamp listings.  Pricing information isn’t available yet, and one member suggested the Club consider contacting the Public Library about obtaining a subscription.  Richard offered to provide is 2006 Scott Album CDs for copying if any Club Member is interested.  Finally, Jimmy noted that counterfeiting of US postage stamps (by China and others) is out of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.  A successful auction followed with many US and worldwide lots and collections offered by the Club and several different members.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

published by 25 July 22 at 11:15 AM

The July meeting was a Club picnic, so no business was discussed.  Thirteen members and six of their guests enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and pleasant conversation under the protection of Shelter #5.  On behalf of the Club, John D. provided members with a philatelic gift of mint US stamps (mine was a set of plate blocks along with the 3-stamp magic disappearing rabbit set.) Many thanks to all who prepared for and cleaned up after the event.

June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

published by 27 June 22 at 1:30 PM; amended 18 August 22

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John D. Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags.

Visitor Andy A. was introduced and he told us a little about himself. Andy completed an membership application and joined the club.

President John D.: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Items are displayed on the FREE and SALES tables for member’s perusal. The next meeting will be the Club Picnic on July 20. The picnic will be held at Long Leaf Park shelter #5 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and will be catered by Pine Valley Market. Come at your convenience during that time. Please RSVP to Treasurer Tim S. by July 13. RSVP is very important for food preparation planning. Members and their guests are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person.  There will be no meeting at the church in July. The next meeting at the church will be August 16 and will be an auction. Auction Rules and Forms are available on the Club Website. John continues to pursue the possibility of having the Wilmington Post Office Customer Relations representative attend a club meeting, possibly in September.

Vice President Hondo D.:  Absent, no report.

Secretary Steve M.: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S.: Gains included $1.15 donation, $20.00 dues, and sales $128.42. Expenditure of $35.00 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3815.37.

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

Highlights of the Postal Reform Act and the USPS House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

New Business:

The Club’s votes in the APS/APRL annual election have been submitted.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the Club Constitution and Bylaws and will present some minor changes to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

Secretary Steve M. will resign from his office on December 31, 2022. The Club will need someone to step up and fill this position. Contact President John D. or Secretary Steve M. if interested.

To improve the membership’s privacy, the Board has decided that last names will no longer be used on public forums such as the website and meeting minutes. Only first names and last initial will be used.

The Board has decided to not pursue a closer relationship with the Asheville Stamp Club. The great distance between the clubs makes such a proposal unsustainable

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Jimmy J. presented an informative and entertaining Power Point slideshow on the fun of collecting North Carolina Dead Post Offices.

Submitted by Jimmy J. for WPS Secretary Steve M.

May 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)

published by on 3 June 2022 at 3:21 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. Three visitors, Richard C, Steve D, and John B. were also present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags. The visitors were introduced and each told us a little about themselves. Steve D and John B joined WPS by completing a membership application and paying dues.

President John D: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Tonight’s meeting is a bourse with club and members’ lots for sale along with the table of free items. The next meeting, June 21, will feature a presentation by Jimmy Jordan.

Vice President Hondo D:  Tonight’s program is a bourse and next meeting’s program will be a presentation by Jimmy J.

Secretary Steve M: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S: A gain of $10 in dues and expenditure of $35 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3700. A photo was shown showing renovations of our old meeting room at Pearsall Presbyterian Church by the new owner PBC Design.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic is scheduled for July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

Wilmington Philatelic Society business cards are available on the sign-in table.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

New Business:

John is attempting to have Lori T, USPS Wilmington Customer Relations Coordinator, attend a Club meeting to give us some insight into the workings of the Postal Service.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The stamp bourse was a success with many lots being sold.

Submitted by Jimmy Jordan for WPS Secretary Steve M

April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by on April 23,2022 at 10:17 am

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by President John D. Eleven members attended, but no guests. All new Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone, explained the use of name badges, and reminded members to sign in on the clip board.


John explained that the Board recently held an e-mail vote and determined that face masks will be optional at WPS meetings until further notice.   (Two members present wore face masks.)  He also pointed out the Free Table.  All previous Sale Table lots were sold.

The final action under Announcements was the installation of officers for the 2022-23 program year.  Robert V read the official notice of installation:  President, John D; Vice-President, Hondo D, Treasurer, Tim S; Secretary, Steve M; Board Member at Large, Bruce P Past President, Richard P.

 Open Forum

Bruce announced he was accepting on-paper stamps for a Veteran’s organization in Fayetteville.  Hondo added that he was also accepting donations of on-paper stamps for Scouts.  John indicated that he is still collecting off-paper stamps for another Veteran’s group.

Annual Reports

John D was the first to report the progress the Club made last year.  We missed some meetings, used ZOOM for some, and finally re-located to the Southside Baptist Church, which has proven to be a good fit with the Club’s meeting needs.  Other stamp clubs have not fared as well, including the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club and another group in the Chapel Hill-Raleigh area.  John will continue his effort to meet with the Church Pastor about ways we might support the Church’s youth program.  Additionally, he is seeking volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.  Finally, WPS needs to update our organizational contact information at various philatelic websites.

John read Helen R’s report as the outgoing Vice-President.  She offered additional detail on the meetings cancelled, conducted via ZOOM, and held in-person.  Several presentations, bourses, and auctions were conducted last year.  Finally, Helen successfully transferred the Club to our new website and has tutored Steve M and John on uploading content.

Steve M explained that the Club roster was solid at 30 regular remembers and three life members.  He also mentioned the website transition, and he appealed to the members to consider serving on the Board next year.

Tim S summarized our financial status for the year.  Three meeting dates were cancelled and had no financial activity.  Overall, annual income was $1,648 compared to $1,134 in expenses.  Thus, the Club netted $514 last year.  The most significant expenses were the “Christmas in July Picnic” ($529), the meeting rental ($300), and website improvements ($202).

There were no specific comments from Bruce P, Richard P, or Jimmy J, who was unable to attend. (Jimmy was the outgoing Secretary.)

Old Business

Stamp donations were previously discussed, so John started with a comment about ordering supplies from Subway Stamp Company—the larger the group order, the smaller the postage and handling fees per customer.  Sandy M remains the point of contact for these orders.

Our meeting night remains the same – there was no consensus to change it at this time despite a conflict with the Coin Club Board of Directors meeting.

At the next WPS Board meeting, the Club’s constitution and bylaws will be reviewed.  So far, no members have expressed any concerns.  (Possible points of issue would be the update of officer duties and responsibilities as well as the Club’s regular meeting night.)

This year’s picnic is confirmed for July 20th, 3-7 PM, Long Leaf Park, pavilion #5.  More information will follow as the date approaches.

The Myrtle Beach Stamp Club anticipates hosting a stamp show again in February, 2023 and also in 2024.

Members willing to serve on the Membership Outreach Committee should contact John.

The next WPS meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 7 PM, and will be a stamp Bourse.  John estimates about 75 Club lots will be available, but members are encouraged to bring their own philatelic items for sale, too.  (No commission!!)  The Bourse will start after a short business meeting.

The WPS stamp table at the Azalea Coin Show was successful.  WPS participants on either Saturday or Sunday included John D, Bruce P, Hondo D, Bob D, Sandy M, Tim S, and Steve M.  On Sunday morning, John and Steve were able to review a very nice inherited stamp collection.

Helen remains a resource for our website as the official Administrator/Webmaster.  Members are encouraged to forward photos or articles to Steve M for possible publication on our site.

New Business

John has business cards with Club contact information.  Members are encouraged to pick up a few cards at WPS meetings to distribute to prospective members or to post on bulletin boards.

USPS has proposed postage rate increases on July 10.  For example, first class postage will increase from 58 cents to 60 cents for the first ounce.  Additional ounces will be 24 cents instead of the current 20 cents.  Other postage rates will rise.

The Postal Reform Act was signed by President Biden, and this gives USPS a firm foundation for the future. John distributed a news article on the legislation, written by Will Weissert and Zeke Miller of the Associated Press. “The new law ends a requirement that the Postal Service finance workers’ health care benefits ahead of time for the next 75 years”.  That provision had tied up USPS finances for many years!

Richard mentioned that the Church will be hosting a meeting to discuss the recent increase in Wilmington thefts and break-ins.  This has been scheduled for 6PM on May 3, and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office will be making a presentation.

John suggested a future discussion topic for the Club: Where do we buy stamps?  Some dealers are more reputable than others, and there are various low-cost sources that we could share with each other.

The final note before adjournment was the question posed by Richard, will stamps ever become Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)?

At 8:07 the meeting was adjourned.

Steve M
WPS Secretary

March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by 18 March 2022, 9:30 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended, but no guests. All Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign in.


John mentioned that legislation is in the works to improve funding for USPS. (The bill has been approved by the House and the Senate and is pending the President’s signature.)  John also reported that he was contacted (as an APS Chapter President) by a researcher, Oliver Louis Jean Barry, exploring the relationships between stamps and country history.  John will consider the request in greater detail and consider whether WPS should reply.   Richard reminded the Club that Wilmington philatelic history is available at a website he and his wife have created.

David W announced that he was returning to Ohio next month and thanked the Club for its warm and friendly support.  The Club bid David a fond farewell.

Open Forum

Hondo D asked why we were still wearing masks, and Steve pointed out that even though Covid-19 infections are decreasing, they are still 3 times higher than the low point last June.  Additionally, only about 60% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated (slightly below the national average).  Finally, older persons are still advised to wear masks indoors.  John stated we will revisit our current mask policy at a later date as conditions change.  Hondo explained that the Coin Club doesn’t wear masks, but their meetings are held during a meal.

Bruce P stated that he is continuing to collect stamps on paper and can now mail them to an organization for therapeutic use.  The stamps shouldn’t be trimmed of excess paper as the trimming is part of the rehabilitation activity.  The veterans are not stamp collectors with a philatelic interest.  John continues to collect donations of off-paper stamps, and these go to veterans who are collectors, or they are re-sold to benefit the charity.  The off-paper stamps need to be sorted so that US and foreign are in separate envelopes or bags.

Martin M asked how the prices of Stamps for Sale were marked, and members explained how this was done with 3×5 cards attached to each philatelic item on the Sale Table.  Stamps tend to be grouped into a package (envelope or binder) rather than listed separately, but it is possible for a lot to be a single stamp.  Members may present items for sale, too, not just the Club.

Tim announced that Mission BBQ was honoring Vietnam War Veterans on March 29 by offering them a free sandwich.  March 29th is the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

John presented the slate of Board members for 2022-2023 and asked for additional nominations from the floor.  As there were no additional nominations, the slate was declared duly elected.  Photos of the new Board were taken later in the meeting.  The slate is:  John D, President; Hondo D, Vice-President; Tim S, Treasurer; Steve M, Secretary; Bruce P, Director; Richard P, Director (Past-President).

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that she would continue with a refresh of the WPS website, meeting with John and Steve by ZOOM in the near future. She also gave a preview of the topical stamp collecting presentation to follow after the business meeting.  Note: In the future, Hondo D will schedule program presentations, and the next open date is September.

Steve stated that dues were continuing to come in with most of the members in good standing.  He will work with Helen and John to add more content to the website.

Treasurer Tim Snyder reported a net increase of $258.45 for the past month with proceeds from the Club Auction offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  Tim also passed out an article about Amelia Earhart postal history.

Bruce had no additional news to report, but Richard showed a framed display of digital stamps that he and his wife assembled.   This display will be part of the WPS stamp table at the upcoming Azalea Coin Show, 9-10 April.

Old Business:

Marine Cancellations (Camp Lejeune).  Richard doesn’t yet know how many special cancellations were processed by the Wilmington Post Office.

Subway Stamp Company.  John summarized the Board’s discussion of process on this point, and Sandy Montalto will handle all orders.  Sandy will collect funds from members when the supplies are received and delivered.  So far only one order has been submitted to Sandy.  Members were encouraged to visit Subway’s website and email orders to Sandy.  He will likely order later in the week.

Azalea Coin Club Stamp Table.  John and Hondo explained that the stamp table will be near the front of the building.  Members are welcome to attend and to help staff the stamp table.  Several items will be on display as well as tubs of stamps for “new collectors” to look through and sample.

Upcoming Programs.  John stated that the April 18 meeting will include the installation of officers, annual reports, and informal “show and tell”.   The May meeting will include a Bourse following the business meeting.  Jimmy Jordan will make a presentation at the June meeting, and the Board voted to conduct a picnic at Long Leaf Park in July.  More information will follow on the picnic (likely mid to late July depending upon the availability of the desired Shelter #5.)

 New Business:

John reinforced the website refresh which is underway this year.

John also asked members to think about our meeting night – is 3rd Tuesday night still OK, or should we return to 2nd Tuesday night if the Church can accommodate?  A straw poll may be taken next month. (Note: Hondo said the Coin Club is considering a change in the night their Board of Directors regularly meets.)

The Board voted to donate $100 to the APS Mighty Duck Club inasmuch as we don’t need to pay annual dues since we have a sufficient number of APS members in the Club.

Another recent decision by the Board was to establish a Membership Outreach Committee, so John asked members to consider volunteering for that effort.

Finally, the Board is reviewing the Constitution and By-Laws for possible update.  Members may view these documents at the WPS website and forward comments to Steve (Secretary) or report them at our next monthly meeting.

World of Philately

 Jimmy was unable to attend so John gave the update on USPS at the beginning of the meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 after a motion to adjourn was submitted, seconded, and approved.

Program – Topical Stamp Collecting

Helen introduced the discussion by referring the Club to and introducing two members who shared their topical stamp collecting materials.  Sandy M briefly reviewed a topical collection that included binders with such philatelic themes as windmills, ships, butterflies, and turtles.  Dave S then explained his interest in tennis stamps, recounting the discovery of a Great Britain stamp with a Wimbledon postmark.  He also displayed “letter writing” stamps from Japan, and pointed out that he had an interest in scouting stamps.  Members were invited to stay for a bit and review the topical stamp binders.

After a few photos were taken, members were free to mingle, make one last stamp table purchase, or depart.

Steve M, Secretary  Wilmington Philatelic Society


February 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended after late arrivals were counted. Johnny J joined the Club as our newest member!

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum but John acknowledged the APS interview with Richard P, and the link to the article was subsequently emailed to all members.

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that the website had been updated, especially the contact form, which is now on the home page.  All inquiries go directly to John, and he re-routes them as needed.

Steve M encouraged members to review the new website and reported that he had mailed the renewal letters for dues

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $16.70 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses.  Tim also passed out an article the impact criminal Pretty Boy Floyd had on philately.  Floyd’s first robbery, at the age of 18, was a post office. After he and others committed many post office robberies, the idea of overprints for Kansas and Nebraska was introduced in an unsuccessful effort to stop robbers.  The overprinted stamps could only be sold within their respective states.  The practice was discontinued in 1930.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

Feb 25 is the last day for special Camp Lejeune Marine Corps cancellations by the Wilmington Post Office.

John confirmed the stamp table will be available at the Azalea Festival Coin Show on 9-10 April.  Members can volunteer to staff the table.  The show will be held at the Elks Lodge building on Oleander Drive in Wilmington.

Sandy has contacted the Subway Stamp Shop about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.  The process will be for members to review Subway’s online catalog, send orders to Sandy for consolidation, and pay Sandy later after all calculations are made

John reminded members that next month’s meeting (15 March) will involve election of officers followed by a presentation by Helen on topical stamp collecting.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

 New Business:

John brought up the importance of tracking stamp sales and each Bourse or Auction.  Members were reminded to give Tim all pertinent lot information when making payments.

The Club is planning on another July Picnic to offset the lack of a December 2021 Holiday Party.  Members were invited to think about possible dates.

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared a story about a recent philatelic purchase he made which was sent to him by registered mail, and then returned to the vendor weeks later as undeliverable due to a lack of an appropriate receptacle.  The vendor re-sent the order via regular first class mail, and it arrived without incident.

Jimmy reported another failure of USPS to deliver a quarterly magazine published by an international society for Japanese stamps.  The society had to republish and re-mail all magazines sent to US members because USPS lost the first shipment.

Finally, Great Britain has announced plans to add a data matrix (bar code) to new definitive and Christmas stamps.  These are to replace previously printed definitive and Christmas stamps which will no longer be valid after a grace period (about one year).  Will other countries follow suit?

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.  Members were allowed about 13 minutes to preview lot items. 


Six members and the Club submitted lots for auction.  Rob V served as the auctioneer with assistance from Helen.  The auction lasted about an hour.

Steve M, Acting Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society

January 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 January 2022, 10:52 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening and our next meeting on 15 February (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum.

Officer Reports

Helen R had nothing new to report as Vice President.

Steve stated that the two new members had paid dues for the next year, and our membership stood at 33.  Annual dues renewal letters will be mailed in February.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $69.01 for the past month with proceeds from the Bourse offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses. 

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

John announced that Hondo D won the trivia contest in December.  He was presented with a certificate and a prize.

John and Helen will look into additional charitable organizations to whom we could donate stamps. John also indicated that the next Board meeting would likely be held at the church, and the Pastor will be invited to attend so we can learn more about how WPS might assist youth programs related to stamp collecting.

Richard handed out special Camp Lejeune cancelled covers that used stamps he donated.  Thank you, Richard!

Sandy will talk to the Subway Stamp Company about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.

John reminded members of the Azalea Coin Show on 9-10 April because WPS will operate a stamp table as we have done in the past.  Members were invited to participate.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

John encouraged members to look at the remaining Bourse lots after the business meeting.  Unsold lots will be saved for future Auction or Bourse meetings.

 New Business:

The February meeting will be an Auction.  Auction sheets (two copies needed) and instructions are available at the WPS website.  Members may submit up to 10 lots.  Arrive early next month as the order of the lots in the Auction will be based on the sign-in order.

The March meeting will include the election of officers and then a presentation by Helen on the American Topical Association.

Richard pointed out that the last issue of the USPS Biweekly Bulletin recognized WPS for their contribution of the Camp Lejeune cancellations (Kudos Richard!!)

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared an email he received from Wendell T’s daughter regarding his current activities in a Maryland retirement community.  The letter offered a lot of detail about Wendell’s life and was very touching.

 Other Remarks

John shared information about our two new members along with Fred P, a current member who now resides in Florida.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Helen briefly explained the Christmas Philatelic Society, a chapter within the American Philatelic Society.  Using a spiffy, colored handout, Helen walked the Club through the information she gained during a December 2021 virtual meeting.

Following Helen’s presentation, members made last minute purchases from the Bourse remainders before departing the meeting.

Steve M, Acting Secretary,
Wilmington Philatelic Society

September 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 2022



August 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society

 Published by, 19 August 2022, 8:37 AM 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice-President Hondo D. Seventeen members were present and two visitors dropped by to make a philatelic donation. John D. and Bruce P. were absent.

Hondo welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He also asked if any members who attended the July picnic left without an envelope.  There being none, he started with reports.

Hondo discussed the July picnic and our hope to have a USPS presentation in September.  However, the presenter, Lori T. (Customer Relations), has left USPS and the Club hasn’t been able to track her down.

For the Secretary’s report, Steve M. noted that the Board voted on two e-motions.  The Club donated $100 to Cape Fear Detachment 1070, Wilmington, Marine Corps Ball, and the Board approved an advertisement in the Ball program.  Also, the Board approved a motion for a special Scout pictorial cancellation which Richard explained later.

Tim gave a detailed Treasurer’s report on last month’s revenues and expenses.   There was a net loss of $537.86, largely due to the July picnic.  (Next month’s report will reflect the substantial proceeds from tonight’s auction.)

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to collect US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

Steve M. reported that members will vote on amendments to Club By-Laws in September.  He briefly summarized the update to Secretary duties and the proposal to omit “third Tuesday” as the Club meeting night.  Instead, the By-Laws will just state that we will meet monthly without locking us into a specific date or time.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so Hondo requested that members consider serving on the Board.

The WPS website has been updated to omit last names.  Minutes, going forward, will omit last names. 

New Business:

Hondo asked members to call or e-mail him about program ideas for future meetings.  The Club wants to be responsive to the interests of its members.

Richard explained the pictorial cancellation to be issued by the Wilmington Post Office.  It will be applied for a 30-day period and become available on September 6th.  Members may take in a stamped letter and have the cancellation applied at the downtown post office.  Richard also passed around his book of cachets in case members wanted to provide a stamp to obtain a cancelled envelope with cachet.  See Richard for more details.

Steve M. read a request received by Dave M. regarding his interest Scott Specialized Stamp Albums for Austria and East Germany along with supplements for such countries as Canada, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, US, and United Nations.  He is also looking for supplements for the H.E. Harris US Plate Block album.  Dave collects stamps for all of the listed countries.

Member Open Forum:

Richard introduced his son and grandson.

World of Philately:

Jimmy J. reported that the postal reform bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  This should ease some of USPS’ financial burden.  Jimmy also discussed the growing digitization of stamp catalogs, explaining a new subscription service being started for Scott stamp listings.  Pricing information isn’t available yet, and one member suggested the Club consider contacting the Public Library about obtaining a subscription.  Richard offered to provide is 2006 Scott Album CDs for copying if any Club Member is interested.  Finally, Jimmy noted that counterfeiting of US postage stamps (by China and others) is out of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.  A successful auction followed with many US and worldwide lots and collections offered by the Club and several different members.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

published by 25 July 22 at 11:15 AM

The July meeting was a Club picnic, so no business was discussed.  Thirteen members and six of their guests enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and pleasant conversation under the protection of Shelter #5.  On behalf of the Club, John D. provided members with a philatelic gift of mint US stamps (mine was a set of plate blocks along with the 3-stamp magic disappearing rabbit set.) Many thanks to all who prepared for and cleaned up after the event.

June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

published by 27 June 22 at 1:30 PM; amended 18 August 22

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John D. Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags.

Visitor Andy A. was introduced and he told us a little about himself. Andy completed an membership application and joined the club.

President John D.: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Items are displayed on the FREE and SALES tables for member’s perusal. The next meeting will be the Club Picnic on July 20. The picnic will be held at Long Leaf Park shelter #5 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and will be catered by Pine Valley Market. Come at your convenience during that time. Please RSVP to Treasurer Tim S. by July 13. RSVP is very important for food preparation planning. Members and their guests are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person.  There will be no meeting at the church in July. The next meeting at the church will be August 16 and will be an auction. Auction Rules and Forms are available on the Club Website. John continues to pursue the possibility of having the Wilmington Post Office Customer Relations representative attend a club meeting, possibly in September.

Vice President Hondo D.:  Absent, no report.

Secretary Steve M.: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S.: Gains included $1.15 donation, $20.00 dues, and sales $128.42. Expenditure of $35.00 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3815.37.

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

Highlights of the Postal Reform Act and the USPS House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

New Business:

The Club’s votes in the APS/APRL annual election have been submitted.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the Club Constitution and Bylaws and will present some minor changes to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

Secretary Steve M. will resign from his office on December 31, 2022. The Club will need someone to step up and fill this position. Contact President John D. or Secretary Steve M. if interested.

To improve the membership’s privacy, the Board has decided that last names will no longer be used on public forums such as the website and meeting minutes. Only first names and last initial will be used.

The Board has decided to not pursue a closer relationship with the Asheville Stamp Club. The great distance between the clubs makes such a proposal unsustainable

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Jimmy J. presented an informative and entertaining Power Point slideshow on the fun of collecting North Carolina Dead Post Offices.

Submitted by Jimmy J. for WPS Secretary Steve M.

May 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)

published by on 3 June 2022 at 3:21 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. Three visitors, Richard C, Steve D, and John B. were also present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags. The visitors were introduced and each told us a little about themselves. Steve D and John B joined WPS by completing a membership application and paying dues.

President John D: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Tonight’s meeting is a bourse with club and members’ lots for sale along with the table of free items. The next meeting, June 21, will feature a presentation by Jimmy Jordan.

Vice President Hondo D:  Tonight’s program is a bourse and next meeting’s program will be a presentation by Jimmy J.

Secretary Steve M: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S: A gain of $10 in dues and expenditure of $35 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3700. A photo was shown showing renovations of our old meeting room at Pearsall Presbyterian Church by the new owner PBC Design.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic is scheduled for July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

Wilmington Philatelic Society business cards are available on the sign-in table.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

New Business:

John is attempting to have Lori T, USPS Wilmington Customer Relations Coordinator, attend a Club meeting to give us some insight into the workings of the Postal Service.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The stamp bourse was a success with many lots being sold.

Submitted by Jimmy Jordan for WPS Secretary Steve M

April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by on April 23,2022 at 10:17 am

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by President John D. Eleven members attended, but no guests. All new Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone, explained the use of name badges, and reminded members to sign in on the clip board.


John explained that the Board recently held an e-mail vote and determined that face masks will be optional at WPS meetings until further notice.   (Two members present wore face masks.)  He also pointed out the Free Table.  All previous Sale Table lots were sold.

The final action under Announcements was the installation of officers for the 2022-23 program year.  Robert V read the official notice of installation:  President, John D; Vice-President, Hondo D, Treasurer, Tim S; Secretary, Steve M; Board Member at Large, Bruce P Past President, Richard P.

 Open Forum

Bruce announced he was accepting on-paper stamps for a Veteran’s organization in Fayetteville.  Hondo added that he was also accepting donations of on-paper stamps for Scouts.  John indicated that he is still collecting off-paper stamps for another Veteran’s group.

Annual Reports

John D was the first to report the progress the Club made last year.  We missed some meetings, used ZOOM for some, and finally re-located to the Southside Baptist Church, which has proven to be a good fit with the Club’s meeting needs.  Other stamp clubs have not fared as well, including the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club and another group in the Chapel Hill-Raleigh area.  John will continue his effort to meet with the Church Pastor about ways we might support the Church’s youth program.  Additionally, he is seeking volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.  Finally, WPS needs to update our organizational contact information at various philatelic websites.

John read Helen R’s report as the outgoing Vice-President.  She offered additional detail on the meetings cancelled, conducted via ZOOM, and held in-person.  Several presentations, bourses, and auctions were conducted last year.  Finally, Helen successfully transferred the Club to our new website and has tutored Steve M and John on uploading content.

Steve M explained that the Club roster was solid at 30 regular remembers and three life members.  He also mentioned the website transition, and he appealed to the members to consider serving on the Board next year.

Tim S summarized our financial status for the year.  Three meeting dates were cancelled and had no financial activity.  Overall, annual income was $1,648 compared to $1,134 in expenses.  Thus, the Club netted $514 last year.  The most significant expenses were the “Christmas in July Picnic” ($529), the meeting rental ($300), and website improvements ($202).

There were no specific comments from Bruce P, Richard P, or Jimmy J, who was unable to attend. (Jimmy was the outgoing Secretary.)

Old Business

Stamp donations were previously discussed, so John started with a comment about ordering supplies from Subway Stamp Company—the larger the group order, the smaller the postage and handling fees per customer.  Sandy M remains the point of contact for these orders.

Our meeting night remains the same – there was no consensus to change it at this time despite a conflict with the Coin Club Board of Directors meeting.

At the next WPS Board meeting, the Club’s constitution and bylaws will be reviewed.  So far, no members have expressed any concerns.  (Possible points of issue would be the update of officer duties and responsibilities as well as the Club’s regular meeting night.)

This year’s picnic is confirmed for July 20th, 3-7 PM, Long Leaf Park, pavilion #5.  More information will follow as the date approaches.

The Myrtle Beach Stamp Club anticipates hosting a stamp show again in February, 2023 and also in 2024.

Members willing to serve on the Membership Outreach Committee should contact John.

The next WPS meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 7 PM, and will be a stamp Bourse.  John estimates about 75 Club lots will be available, but members are encouraged to bring their own philatelic items for sale, too.  (No commission!!)  The Bourse will start after a short business meeting.

The WPS stamp table at the Azalea Coin Show was successful.  WPS participants on either Saturday or Sunday included John D, Bruce P, Hondo D, Bob D, Sandy M, Tim S, and Steve M.  On Sunday morning, John and Steve were able to review a very nice inherited stamp collection.

Helen remains a resource for our website as the official Administrator/Webmaster.  Members are encouraged to forward photos or articles to Steve M for possible publication on our site.

New Business

John has business cards with Club contact information.  Members are encouraged to pick up a few cards at WPS meetings to distribute to prospective members or to post on bulletin boards.

USPS has proposed postage rate increases on July 10.  For example, first class postage will increase from 58 cents to 60 cents for the first ounce.  Additional ounces will be 24 cents instead of the current 20 cents.  Other postage rates will rise.

The Postal Reform Act was signed by President Biden, and this gives USPS a firm foundation for the future. John distributed a news article on the legislation, written by Will Weissert and Zeke Miller of the Associated Press. “The new law ends a requirement that the Postal Service finance workers’ health care benefits ahead of time for the next 75 years”.  That provision had tied up USPS finances for many years!

Richard mentioned that the Church will be hosting a meeting to discuss the recent increase in Wilmington thefts and break-ins.  This has been scheduled for 6PM on May 3, and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office will be making a presentation.

John suggested a future discussion topic for the Club: Where do we buy stamps?  Some dealers are more reputable than others, and there are various low-cost sources that we could share with each other.

The final note before adjournment was the question posed by Richard, will stamps ever become Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)?

At 8:07 the meeting was adjourned.

Steve M
WPS Secretary

March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by 18 March 2022, 9:30 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended, but no guests. All Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign in.


John mentioned that legislation is in the works to improve funding for USPS. (The bill has been approved by the House and the Senate and is pending the President’s signature.)  John also reported that he was contacted (as an APS Chapter President) by a researcher, Oliver Louis Jean Barry, exploring the relationships between stamps and country history.  John will consider the request in greater detail and consider whether WPS should reply.   Richard reminded the Club that Wilmington philatelic history is available at a website he and his wife have created.

David W announced that he was returning to Ohio next month and thanked the Club for its warm and friendly support.  The Club bid David a fond farewell.

Open Forum

Hondo D asked why we were still wearing masks, and Steve pointed out that even though Covid-19 infections are decreasing, they are still 3 times higher than the low point last June.  Additionally, only about 60% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated (slightly below the national average).  Finally, older persons are still advised to wear masks indoors.  John stated we will revisit our current mask policy at a later date as conditions change.  Hondo explained that the Coin Club doesn’t wear masks, but their meetings are held during a meal.

Bruce P stated that he is continuing to collect stamps on paper and can now mail them to an organization for therapeutic use.  The stamps shouldn’t be trimmed of excess paper as the trimming is part of the rehabilitation activity.  The veterans are not stamp collectors with a philatelic interest.  John continues to collect donations of off-paper stamps, and these go to veterans who are collectors, or they are re-sold to benefit the charity.  The off-paper stamps need to be sorted so that US and foreign are in separate envelopes or bags.

Martin M asked how the prices of Stamps for Sale were marked, and members explained how this was done with 3×5 cards attached to each philatelic item on the Sale Table.  Stamps tend to be grouped into a package (envelope or binder) rather than listed separately, but it is possible for a lot to be a single stamp.  Members may present items for sale, too, not just the Club.

Tim announced that Mission BBQ was honoring Vietnam War Veterans on March 29 by offering them a free sandwich.  March 29th is the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

John presented the slate of Board members for 2022-2023 and asked for additional nominations from the floor.  As there were no additional nominations, the slate was declared duly elected.  Photos of the new Board were taken later in the meeting.  The slate is:  John D, President; Hondo D, Vice-President; Tim S, Treasurer; Steve M, Secretary; Bruce P, Director; Richard P, Director (Past-President).

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that she would continue with a refresh of the WPS website, meeting with John and Steve by ZOOM in the near future. She also gave a preview of the topical stamp collecting presentation to follow after the business meeting.  Note: In the future, Hondo D will schedule program presentations, and the next open date is September.

Steve stated that dues were continuing to come in with most of the members in good standing.  He will work with Helen and John to add more content to the website.

Treasurer Tim Snyder reported a net increase of $258.45 for the past month with proceeds from the Club Auction offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  Tim also passed out an article about Amelia Earhart postal history.

Bruce had no additional news to report, but Richard showed a framed display of digital stamps that he and his wife assembled.   This display will be part of the WPS stamp table at the upcoming Azalea Coin Show, 9-10 April.

Old Business:

Marine Cancellations (Camp Lejeune).  Richard doesn’t yet know how many special cancellations were processed by the Wilmington Post Office.

Subway Stamp Company.  John summarized the Board’s discussion of process on this point, and Sandy Montalto will handle all orders.  Sandy will collect funds from members when the supplies are received and delivered.  So far only one order has been submitted to Sandy.  Members were encouraged to visit Subway’s website and email orders to Sandy.  He will likely order later in the week.

Azalea Coin Club Stamp Table.  John and Hondo explained that the stamp table will be near the front of the building.  Members are welcome to attend and to help staff the stamp table.  Several items will be on display as well as tubs of stamps for “new collectors” to look through and sample.

Upcoming Programs.  John stated that the April 18 meeting will include the installation of officers, annual reports, and informal “show and tell”.   The May meeting will include a Bourse following the business meeting.  Jimmy Jordan will make a presentation at the June meeting, and the Board voted to conduct a picnic at Long Leaf Park in July.  More information will follow on the picnic (likely mid to late July depending upon the availability of the desired Shelter #5.)

 New Business:

John reinforced the website refresh which is underway this year.

John also asked members to think about our meeting night – is 3rd Tuesday night still OK, or should we return to 2nd Tuesday night if the Church can accommodate?  A straw poll may be taken next month. (Note: Hondo said the Coin Club is considering a change in the night their Board of Directors regularly meets.)

The Board voted to donate $100 to the APS Mighty Duck Club inasmuch as we don’t need to pay annual dues since we have a sufficient number of APS members in the Club.

Another recent decision by the Board was to establish a Membership Outreach Committee, so John asked members to consider volunteering for that effort.

Finally, the Board is reviewing the Constitution and By-Laws for possible update.  Members may view these documents at the WPS website and forward comments to Steve (Secretary) or report them at our next monthly meeting.

World of Philately

 Jimmy was unable to attend so John gave the update on USPS at the beginning of the meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 after a motion to adjourn was submitted, seconded, and approved.

Program – Topical Stamp Collecting

Helen introduced the discussion by referring the Club to and introducing two members who shared their topical stamp collecting materials.  Sandy M briefly reviewed a topical collection that included binders with such philatelic themes as windmills, ships, butterflies, and turtles.  Dave S then explained his interest in tennis stamps, recounting the discovery of a Great Britain stamp with a Wimbledon postmark.  He also displayed “letter writing” stamps from Japan, and pointed out that he had an interest in scouting stamps.  Members were invited to stay for a bit and review the topical stamp binders.

After a few photos were taken, members were free to mingle, make one last stamp table purchase, or depart.

Steve M, Secretary  Wilmington Philatelic Society


February 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended after late arrivals were counted. Johnny J joined the Club as our newest member!

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum but John acknowledged the APS interview with Richard P, and the link to the article was subsequently emailed to all members.

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that the website had been updated, especially the contact form, which is now on the home page.  All inquiries go directly to John, and he re-routes them as needed.

Steve M encouraged members to review the new website and reported that he had mailed the renewal letters for dues

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $16.70 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses.  Tim also passed out an article the impact criminal Pretty Boy Floyd had on philately.  Floyd’s first robbery, at the age of 18, was a post office. After he and others committed many post office robberies, the idea of overprints for Kansas and Nebraska was introduced in an unsuccessful effort to stop robbers.  The overprinted stamps could only be sold within their respective states.  The practice was discontinued in 1930.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

Feb 25 is the last day for special Camp Lejeune Marine Corps cancellations by the Wilmington Post Office.

John confirmed the stamp table will be available at the Azalea Festival Coin Show on 9-10 April.  Members can volunteer to staff the table.  The show will be held at the Elks Lodge building on Oleander Drive in Wilmington.

Sandy has contacted the Subway Stamp Shop about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.  The process will be for members to review Subway’s online catalog, send orders to Sandy for consolidation, and pay Sandy later after all calculations are made

John reminded members that next month’s meeting (15 March) will involve election of officers followed by a presentation by Helen on topical stamp collecting.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

 New Business:

John brought up the importance of tracking stamp sales and each Bourse or Auction.  Members were reminded to give Tim all pertinent lot information when making payments.

The Club is planning on another July Picnic to offset the lack of a December 2021 Holiday Party.  Members were invited to think about possible dates.

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared a story about a recent philatelic purchase he made which was sent to him by registered mail, and then returned to the vendor weeks later as undeliverable due to a lack of an appropriate receptacle.  The vendor re-sent the order via regular first class mail, and it arrived without incident.

Jimmy reported another failure of USPS to deliver a quarterly magazine published by an international society for Japanese stamps.  The society had to republish and re-mail all magazines sent to US members because USPS lost the first shipment.

Finally, Great Britain has announced plans to add a data matrix (bar code) to new definitive and Christmas stamps.  These are to replace previously printed definitive and Christmas stamps which will no longer be valid after a grace period (about one year).  Will other countries follow suit?

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.  Members were allowed about 13 minutes to preview lot items. 


Six members and the Club submitted lots for auction.  Rob V served as the auctioneer with assistance from Helen.  The auction lasted about an hour.

Steve M, Acting Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society

January 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 January 2022, 10:52 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening and our next meeting on 15 February (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum.

Officer Reports

Helen R had nothing new to report as Vice President.

Steve stated that the two new members had paid dues for the next year, and our membership stood at 33.  Annual dues renewal letters will be mailed in February.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $69.01 for the past month with proceeds from the Bourse offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses. 

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

John announced that Hondo D won the trivia contest in December.  He was presented with a certificate and a prize.

John and Helen will look into additional charitable organizations to whom we could donate stamps. John also indicated that the next Board meeting would likely be held at the church, and the Pastor will be invited to attend so we can learn more about how WPS might assist youth programs related to stamp collecting.

Richard handed out special Camp Lejeune cancelled covers that used stamps he donated.  Thank you, Richard!

Sandy will talk to the Subway Stamp Company about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.

John reminded members of the Azalea Coin Show on 9-10 April because WPS will operate a stamp table as we have done in the past.  Members were invited to participate.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

John encouraged members to look at the remaining Bourse lots after the business meeting.  Unsold lots will be saved for future Auction or Bourse meetings.

 New Business:

The February meeting will be an Auction.  Auction sheets (two copies needed) and instructions are available at the WPS website.  Members may submit up to 10 lots.  Arrive early next month as the order of the lots in the Auction will be based on the sign-in order.

The March meeting will include the election of officers and then a presentation by Helen on the American Topical Association.

Richard pointed out that the last issue of the USPS Biweekly Bulletin recognized WPS for their contribution of the Camp Lejeune cancellations (Kudos Richard!!)

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared an email he received from Wendell T’s daughter regarding his current activities in a Maryland retirement community.  The letter offered a lot of detail about Wendell’s life and was very touching.

 Other Remarks

John shared information about our two new members along with Fred P, a current member who now resides in Florida.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Helen briefly explained the Christmas Philatelic Society, a chapter within the American Philatelic Society.  Using a spiffy, colored handout, Helen walked the Club through the information she gained during a December 2021 virtual meeting.

Following Helen’s presentation, members made last minute purchases from the Bourse remainders before departing the meeting.

Steve M, Acting Secretary,
Wilmington Philatelic Society

September 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society 2022



August 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society

 Published by, 19 August 2022, 8:37 AM 

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice-President Hondo D. Seventeen members were present and two visitors dropped by to make a philatelic donation. John D. and Bruce P. were absent.

Hondo welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear name tags. He also asked if any members who attended the July picnic left without an envelope.  There being none, he started with reports.

Hondo discussed the July picnic and our hope to have a USPS presentation in September.  However, the presenter, Lori T. (Customer Relations), has left USPS and the Club hasn’t been able to track her down.

For the Secretary’s report, Steve M. noted that the Board voted on two e-motions.  The Club donated $100 to Cape Fear Detachment 1070, Wilmington, Marine Corps Ball, and the Board approved an advertisement in the Ball program.  Also, the Board approved a motion for a special Scout pictorial cancellation which Richard explained later.

Tim gave a detailed Treasurer’s report on last month’s revenues and expenses.   There was a net loss of $537.86, largely due to the July picnic.  (Next month’s report will reflect the substantial proceeds from tonight’s auction.)

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.  John wants off-paper stamps with US and foreign separated.  Bruce accepts on-paper foreign stamps.  Hondo continues to collect US on-paper stamps for Scouts BSA.  Scouts use the stamps to meet requirements for a Stamp Collecting Merit Badge.

Steve M. reported that members will vote on amendments to Club By-Laws in September.  He briefly summarized the update to Secretary duties and the proposal to omit “third Tuesday” as the Club meeting night.  Instead, the By-Laws will just state that we will meet monthly without locking us into a specific date or time.

Steve M. will resign as Secretary effective 31 December 2022, so Hondo requested that members consider serving on the Board.

The WPS website has been updated to omit last names.  Minutes, going forward, will omit last names. 

New Business:

Hondo asked members to call or e-mail him about program ideas for future meetings.  The Club wants to be responsive to the interests of its members.

Richard explained the pictorial cancellation to be issued by the Wilmington Post Office.  It will be applied for a 30-day period and become available on September 6th.  Members may take in a stamped letter and have the cancellation applied at the downtown post office.  Richard also passed around his book of cachets in case members wanted to provide a stamp to obtain a cancelled envelope with cachet.  See Richard for more details.

Steve M. read a request received by Dave M. regarding his interest Scott Specialized Stamp Albums for Austria and East Germany along with supplements for such countries as Canada, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, US, and United Nations.  He is also looking for supplements for the H.E. Harris US Plate Block album.  Dave collects stamps for all of the listed countries.

Member Open Forum:

Richard introduced his son and grandson.

World of Philately:

Jimmy J. reported that the postal reform bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President.  This should ease some of USPS’ financial burden.  Jimmy also discussed the growing digitization of stamp catalogs, explaining a new subscription service being started for Scott stamp listings.  Pricing information isn’t available yet, and one member suggested the Club consider contacting the Public Library about obtaining a subscription.  Richard offered to provide is 2006 Scott Album CDs for copying if any Club Member is interested.  Finally, Jimmy noted that counterfeiting of US postage stamps (by China and others) is out of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.  A successful auction followed with many US and worldwide lots and collections offered by the Club and several different members.

Submitted by WPS Secretary Steve M.

July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

published by 25 July 22 at 11:15 AM

The July meeting was a Club picnic, so no business was discussed.  Thirteen members and six of their guests enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and pleasant conversation under the protection of Shelter #5.  On behalf of the Club, John D. provided members with a philatelic gift of mint US stamps (mine was a set of plate blocks along with the 3-stamp magic disappearing rabbit set.) Many thanks to all who prepared for and cleaned up after the event.

June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

published by 27 June 22 at 1:30 PM; amended 18 August 22

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President John D. Fourteen members and one visitor were present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags.

Visitor Andy A. was introduced and he told us a little about himself. Andy completed an membership application and joined the club.

President John D.: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Items are displayed on the FREE and SALES tables for member’s perusal. The next meeting will be the Club Picnic on July 20. The picnic will be held at Long Leaf Park shelter #5 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm and will be catered by Pine Valley Market. Come at your convenience during that time. Please RSVP to Treasurer Tim S. by July 13. RSVP is very important for food preparation planning. Members and their guests are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person.  There will be no meeting at the church in July. The next meeting at the church will be August 16 and will be an auction. Auction Rules and Forms are available on the Club Website. John continues to pursue the possibility of having the Wilmington Post Office Customer Relations representative attend a club meeting, possibly in September.

Vice President Hondo D.:  Absent, no report.

Secretary Steve M.: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S.: Gains included $1.15 donation, $20.00 dues, and sales $128.42. Expenditure of $35.00 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3815.37.

Old Business:

John D. and Bruce P. continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

Highlights of the Postal Reform Act and the USPS House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

New Business:

The Club’s votes in the APS/APRL annual election have been submitted.

The Board of Directors has reviewed the Club Constitution and Bylaws and will present some minor changes to the membership for a vote at the September meeting.

Secretary Steve M. will resign from his office on December 31, 2022. The Club will need someone to step up and fill this position. Contact President John D. or Secretary Steve M. if interested.

To improve the membership’s privacy, the Board has decided that last names will no longer be used on public forums such as the website and meeting minutes. Only first names and last initial will be used.

The Board has decided to not pursue a closer relationship with the Asheville Stamp Club. The great distance between the clubs makes such a proposal unsustainable

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Jimmy J. presented an informative and entertaining Power Point slideshow on the fun of collecting North Carolina Dead Post Offices.

Submitted by Jimmy J. for WPS Secretary Steve M.

May 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)

published by on 3 June 2022 at 3:21 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President John D. Thirteen members were present. Three visitors, Richard C, Steve D, and John B. were also present.

John welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign-in and wear our name tags. The visitors were introduced and each told us a little about themselves. Steve D and John B joined WPS by completing a membership application and paying dues.

President John D: The COVID situation is still being monitored and the Club will follow all official recommendations and mandates. At this time, masks are optional at meetings. Tonight’s meeting is a bourse with club and members’ lots for sale along with the table of free items. The next meeting, June 21, will feature a presentation by Jimmy Jordan.

Vice President Hondo D:  Tonight’s program is a bourse and next meeting’s program will be a presentation by Jimmy J.

Secretary Steve M: Absent, no report.

Treasurer Tim S: A gain of $10 in dues and expenditure of $35 for meeting room rent. Balance is $3700. A photo was shown showing renovations of our old meeting room at Pearsall Presbyterian Church by the new owner PBC Design.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations.

The Club picnic is scheduled for July 20, 2022 at Long Leaf Park shelter #5.

Wilmington Philatelic Society business cards are available on the sign-in table.

USPS postage rates increase on July 10. First Class Letter rate increases to 60 cents.

New Business:

John is attempting to have Lori T, USPS Wilmington Customer Relations Coordinator, attend a Club meeting to give us some insight into the workings of the Postal Service.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The stamp bourse was a success with many lots being sold.

Submitted by Jimmy Jordan for WPS Secretary Steve M

April 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by on April 23,2022 at 10:17 am

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by President John D. Eleven members attended, but no guests. All new Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone, explained the use of name badges, and reminded members to sign in on the clip board.


John explained that the Board recently held an e-mail vote and determined that face masks will be optional at WPS meetings until further notice.   (Two members present wore face masks.)  He also pointed out the Free Table.  All previous Sale Table lots were sold.

The final action under Announcements was the installation of officers for the 2022-23 program year.  Robert V read the official notice of installation:  President, John D; Vice-President, Hondo D, Treasurer, Tim S; Secretary, Steve M; Board Member at Large, Bruce P Past President, Richard P.

 Open Forum

Bruce announced he was accepting on-paper stamps for a Veteran’s organization in Fayetteville.  Hondo added that he was also accepting donations of on-paper stamps for Scouts.  John indicated that he is still collecting off-paper stamps for another Veteran’s group.

Annual Reports

John D was the first to report the progress the Club made last year.  We missed some meetings, used ZOOM for some, and finally re-located to the Southside Baptist Church, which has proven to be a good fit with the Club’s meeting needs.  Other stamp clubs have not fared as well, including the Myrtle Beach Stamp Club and another group in the Chapel Hill-Raleigh area.  John will continue his effort to meet with the Church Pastor about ways we might support the Church’s youth program.  Additionally, he is seeking volunteers for the Membership Outreach Committee.  Finally, WPS needs to update our organizational contact information at various philatelic websites.

John read Helen R’s report as the outgoing Vice-President.  She offered additional detail on the meetings cancelled, conducted via ZOOM, and held in-person.  Several presentations, bourses, and auctions were conducted last year.  Finally, Helen successfully transferred the Club to our new website and has tutored Steve M and John on uploading content.

Steve M explained that the Club roster was solid at 30 regular remembers and three life members.  He also mentioned the website transition, and he appealed to the members to consider serving on the Board next year.

Tim S summarized our financial status for the year.  Three meeting dates were cancelled and had no financial activity.  Overall, annual income was $1,648 compared to $1,134 in expenses.  Thus, the Club netted $514 last year.  The most significant expenses were the “Christmas in July Picnic” ($529), the meeting rental ($300), and website improvements ($202).

There were no specific comments from Bruce P, Richard P, or Jimmy J, who was unable to attend. (Jimmy was the outgoing Secretary.)

Old Business

Stamp donations were previously discussed, so John started with a comment about ordering supplies from Subway Stamp Company—the larger the group order, the smaller the postage and handling fees per customer.  Sandy M remains the point of contact for these orders.

Our meeting night remains the same – there was no consensus to change it at this time despite a conflict with the Coin Club Board of Directors meeting.

At the next WPS Board meeting, the Club’s constitution and bylaws will be reviewed.  So far, no members have expressed any concerns.  (Possible points of issue would be the update of officer duties and responsibilities as well as the Club’s regular meeting night.)

This year’s picnic is confirmed for July 20th, 3-7 PM, Long Leaf Park, pavilion #5.  More information will follow as the date approaches.

The Myrtle Beach Stamp Club anticipates hosting a stamp show again in February, 2023 and also in 2024.

Members willing to serve on the Membership Outreach Committee should contact John.

The next WPS meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 7 PM, and will be a stamp Bourse.  John estimates about 75 Club lots will be available, but members are encouraged to bring their own philatelic items for sale, too.  (No commission!!)  The Bourse will start after a short business meeting.

The WPS stamp table at the Azalea Coin Show was successful.  WPS participants on either Saturday or Sunday included John D, Bruce P, Hondo D, Bob D, Sandy M, Tim S, and Steve M.  On Sunday morning, John and Steve were able to review a very nice inherited stamp collection.

Helen remains a resource for our website as the official Administrator/Webmaster.  Members are encouraged to forward photos or articles to Steve M for possible publication on our site.

New Business

John has business cards with Club contact information.  Members are encouraged to pick up a few cards at WPS meetings to distribute to prospective members or to post on bulletin boards.

USPS has proposed postage rate increases on July 10.  For example, first class postage will increase from 58 cents to 60 cents for the first ounce.  Additional ounces will be 24 cents instead of the current 20 cents.  Other postage rates will rise.

The Postal Reform Act was signed by President Biden, and this gives USPS a firm foundation for the future. John distributed a news article on the legislation, written by Will Weissert and Zeke Miller of the Associated Press. “The new law ends a requirement that the Postal Service finance workers’ health care benefits ahead of time for the next 75 years”.  That provision had tied up USPS finances for many years!

Richard mentioned that the Church will be hosting a meeting to discuss the recent increase in Wilmington thefts and break-ins.  This has been scheduled for 6PM on May 3, and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office will be making a presentation.

John suggested a future discussion topic for the Club: Where do we buy stamps?  Some dealers are more reputable than others, and there are various low-cost sources that we could share with each other.

The final note before adjournment was the question posed by Richard, will stamps ever become Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs)?

At 8:07 the meeting was adjourned.

Steve M
WPS Secretary

March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
published by 18 March 2022, 9:30 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended, but no guests. All Board members were present.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to sign in.


John mentioned that legislation is in the works to improve funding for USPS. (The bill has been approved by the House and the Senate and is pending the President’s signature.)  John also reported that he was contacted (as an APS Chapter President) by a researcher, Oliver Louis Jean Barry, exploring the relationships between stamps and country history.  John will consider the request in greater detail and consider whether WPS should reply.   Richard reminded the Club that Wilmington philatelic history is available at a website he and his wife have created.

David W announced that he was returning to Ohio next month and thanked the Club for its warm and friendly support.  The Club bid David a fond farewell.

Open Forum

Hondo D asked why we were still wearing masks, and Steve pointed out that even though Covid-19 infections are decreasing, they are still 3 times higher than the low point last June.  Additionally, only about 60% of North Carolinians are fully vaccinated (slightly below the national average).  Finally, older persons are still advised to wear masks indoors.  John stated we will revisit our current mask policy at a later date as conditions change.  Hondo explained that the Coin Club doesn’t wear masks, but their meetings are held during a meal.

Bruce P stated that he is continuing to collect stamps on paper and can now mail them to an organization for therapeutic use.  The stamps shouldn’t be trimmed of excess paper as the trimming is part of the rehabilitation activity.  The veterans are not stamp collectors with a philatelic interest.  John continues to collect donations of off-paper stamps, and these go to veterans who are collectors, or they are re-sold to benefit the charity.  The off-paper stamps need to be sorted so that US and foreign are in separate envelopes or bags.

Martin M asked how the prices of Stamps for Sale were marked, and members explained how this was done with 3×5 cards attached to each philatelic item on the Sale Table.  Stamps tend to be grouped into a package (envelope or binder) rather than listed separately, but it is possible for a lot to be a single stamp.  Members may present items for sale, too, not just the Club.

Tim announced that Mission BBQ was honoring Vietnam War Veterans on March 29 by offering them a free sandwich.  March 29th is the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors

John presented the slate of Board members for 2022-2023 and asked for additional nominations from the floor.  As there were no additional nominations, the slate was declared duly elected.  Photos of the new Board were taken later in the meeting.  The slate is:  John D, President; Hondo D, Vice-President; Tim S, Treasurer; Steve M, Secretary; Bruce P, Director; Richard P, Director (Past-President).

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that she would continue with a refresh of the WPS website, meeting with John and Steve by ZOOM in the near future. She also gave a preview of the topical stamp collecting presentation to follow after the business meeting.  Note: In the future, Hondo D will schedule program presentations, and the next open date is September.

Steve stated that dues were continuing to come in with most of the members in good standing.  He will work with Helen and John to add more content to the website.

Treasurer Tim Snyder reported a net increase of $258.45 for the past month with proceeds from the Club Auction offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church.  Tim also passed out an article about Amelia Earhart postal history.

Bruce had no additional news to report, but Richard showed a framed display of digital stamps that he and his wife assembled.   This display will be part of the WPS stamp table at the upcoming Azalea Coin Show, 9-10 April.

Old Business:

Marine Cancellations (Camp Lejeune).  Richard doesn’t yet know how many special cancellations were processed by the Wilmington Post Office.

Subway Stamp Company.  John summarized the Board’s discussion of process on this point, and Sandy Montalto will handle all orders.  Sandy will collect funds from members when the supplies are received and delivered.  So far only one order has been submitted to Sandy.  Members were encouraged to visit Subway’s website and email orders to Sandy.  He will likely order later in the week.

Azalea Coin Club Stamp Table.  John and Hondo explained that the stamp table will be near the front of the building.  Members are welcome to attend and to help staff the stamp table.  Several items will be on display as well as tubs of stamps for “new collectors” to look through and sample.

Upcoming Programs.  John stated that the April 18 meeting will include the installation of officers, annual reports, and informal “show and tell”.   The May meeting will include a Bourse following the business meeting.  Jimmy Jordan will make a presentation at the June meeting, and the Board voted to conduct a picnic at Long Leaf Park in July.  More information will follow on the picnic (likely mid to late July depending upon the availability of the desired Shelter #5.)

 New Business:

John reinforced the website refresh which is underway this year.

John also asked members to think about our meeting night – is 3rd Tuesday night still OK, or should we return to 2nd Tuesday night if the Church can accommodate?  A straw poll may be taken next month. (Note: Hondo said the Coin Club is considering a change in the night their Board of Directors regularly meets.)

The Board voted to donate $100 to the APS Mighty Duck Club inasmuch as we don’t need to pay annual dues since we have a sufficient number of APS members in the Club.

Another recent decision by the Board was to establish a Membership Outreach Committee, so John asked members to consider volunteering for that effort.

Finally, the Board is reviewing the Constitution and By-Laws for possible update.  Members may view these documents at the WPS website and forward comments to Steve (Secretary) or report them at our next monthly meeting.

World of Philately

 Jimmy was unable to attend so John gave the update on USPS at the beginning of the meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 after a motion to adjourn was submitted, seconded, and approved.

Program – Topical Stamp Collecting

Helen introduced the discussion by referring the Club to and introducing two members who shared their topical stamp collecting materials.  Sandy M briefly reviewed a topical collection that included binders with such philatelic themes as windmills, ships, butterflies, and turtles.  Dave S then explained his interest in tennis stamps, recounting the discovery of a Great Britain stamp with a Wimbledon postmark.  He also displayed “letter writing” stamps from Japan, and pointed out that he had an interest in scouting stamps.  Members were invited to stay for a bit and review the topical stamp binders.

After a few photos were taken, members were free to mingle, make one last stamp table purchase, or depart.

Steve M, Secretary  Wilmington Philatelic Society


February 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 February 2022, 10:48 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John D. Sixteen members attended after late arrivals were counted. Johnny J joined the Club as our newest member!

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum but John acknowledged the APS interview with Richard P, and the link to the article was subsequently emailed to all members.

Officer Reports

Helen R reported that the website had been updated, especially the contact form, which is now on the home page.  All inquiries go directly to John, and he re-routes them as needed.

Steve M encouraged members to review the new website and reported that he had mailed the renewal letters for dues

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $16.70 for the past month with proceeds from the Sales Table offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses.  Tim also passed out an article the impact criminal Pretty Boy Floyd had on philately.  Floyd’s first robbery, at the age of 18, was a post office. After he and others committed many post office robberies, the idea of overprints for Kansas and Nebraska was introduced in an unsuccessful effort to stop robbers.  The overprinted stamps could only be sold within their respective states.  The practice was discontinued in 1930.

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

Feb 25 is the last day for special Camp Lejeune Marine Corps cancellations by the Wilmington Post Office.

John confirmed the stamp table will be available at the Azalea Festival Coin Show on 9-10 April.  Members can volunteer to staff the table.  The show will be held at the Elks Lodge building on Oleander Drive in Wilmington.

Sandy has contacted the Subway Stamp Shop about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.  The process will be for members to review Subway’s online catalog, send orders to Sandy for consolidation, and pay Sandy later after all calculations are made

John reminded members that next month’s meeting (15 March) will involve election of officers followed by a presentation by Helen on topical stamp collecting.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

 New Business:

John brought up the importance of tracking stamp sales and each Bourse or Auction.  Members were reminded to give Tim all pertinent lot information when making payments.

The Club is planning on another July Picnic to offset the lack of a December 2021 Holiday Party.  Members were invited to think about possible dates.

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared a story about a recent philatelic purchase he made which was sent to him by registered mail, and then returned to the vendor weeks later as undeliverable due to a lack of an appropriate receptacle.  The vendor re-sent the order via regular first class mail, and it arrived without incident.

Jimmy reported another failure of USPS to deliver a quarterly magazine published by an international society for Japanese stamps.  The society had to republish and re-mail all magazines sent to US members because USPS lost the first shipment.

Finally, Great Britain has announced plans to add a data matrix (bar code) to new definitive and Christmas stamps.  These are to replace previously printed definitive and Christmas stamps which will no longer be valid after a grace period (about one year).  Will other countries follow suit?

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.  Members were allowed about 13 minutes to preview lot items. 


Six members and the Club submitted lots for auction.  Rob V served as the auctioneer with assistance from Helen.  The auction lasted about an hour.

Steve M, Acting Secretary

Wilmington Philatelic Society

January 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes 

Wilmington Philatelic Society

Published by on 20 January 2022, 10:52 AM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by President John D. Twelve members were present. No visitors attended the meeting.

President John D welcomed everyone and reminded us to be safe and wear our masks.  He made brief announcements regarding our activities for the evening and our next meeting on 15 February (Auction).

Open Forum

There were no comments during the Open Forum.

Officer Reports

Helen R had nothing new to report as Vice President.

Steve stated that the two new members had paid dues for the next year, and our membership stood at 33.  Annual dues renewal letters will be mailed in February.

Treasurer Tim S reported a net increase of $69.01 for the past month with proceeds from the Bourse offsetting the $35 rent payment to the church and other expenses. 

Old Business:

John and Bruce continue the collection of stamps for veterans’ organizations. 

John announced that Hondo D won the trivia contest in December.  He was presented with a certificate and a prize.

John and Helen will look into additional charitable organizations to whom we could donate stamps. John also indicated that the next Board meeting would likely be held at the church, and the Pastor will be invited to attend so we can learn more about how WPS might assist youth programs related to stamp collecting.

Richard handed out special Camp Lejeune cancelled covers that used stamps he donated.  Thank you, Richard!

Sandy will talk to the Subway Stamp Company about the possibility of the Club submitting bulk orders for supplies.

John reminded members of the Azalea Coin Show on 9-10 April because WPS will operate a stamp table as we have done in the past.  Members were invited to participate.

The March meeting will include the election of officers, and all members were encouraged to consider running for office.

John encouraged members to look at the remaining Bourse lots after the business meeting.  Unsold lots will be saved for future Auction or Bourse meetings.

 New Business:

The February meeting will be an Auction.  Auction sheets (two copies needed) and instructions are available at the WPS website.  Members may submit up to 10 lots.  Arrive early next month as the order of the lots in the Auction will be based on the sign-in order.

The March meeting will include the election of officers and then a presentation by Helen on the American Topical Association.

Richard pointed out that the last issue of the USPS Biweekly Bulletin recognized WPS for their contribution of the Camp Lejeune cancellations (Kudos Richard!!)

World of Philately

 Jimmy shared an email he received from Wendell T’s daughter regarding his current activities in a Maryland retirement community.  The letter offered a lot of detail about Wendell’s life and was very touching.

 Other Remarks

John shared information about our two new members along with Fred P, a current member who now resides in Florida.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Helen briefly explained the Christmas Philatelic Society, a chapter within the American Philatelic Society.  Using a spiffy, colored handout, Helen walked the Club through the information she gained during a December 2021 virtual meeting.

Following Helen’s presentation, members made last minute purchases from the Bourse remainders before departing the meeting.

Steve M, Acting Secretary,
Wilmington Philatelic Society