Our Library Book List
Books may be borrowed by any member in good standing. All books are the property of the Wilmington Philatelic Society. Borrowers are expected to treat all books with due respect. The library solicits the donation or loan of philatelic books, catalogs, and literature. Help the membership become a more informed group of collectors.
Advanced Stamp Collecting
Barry Krause, 1990, 160 pages, soft cover. A serious collector’s guide to the collection and study
of postage stamps and related materials.
All About Stamp Collecting
Howard Treacher & Walter Gray, 1993, 184 pages, soft cover. Small book intended for the beginning to intermediate collector. Has chapters on getting started, finding stamps, tools, catalogs, etc.
Basic Knowledge for the Stamp Collector
Joe Brockert, 1978, 128 pages, soft cover. An instructional guide for the novice but useful for collectors at all levels
Billig’s Philatelic Handbook Volume XVI
Fritz Billig, 1952, 208 pages, hard cover. One volume in a series of postmark and cancel catalogs.
Cachet Identifier of US Cacheted First Day Covers, The
- Mellone & B. Newton, 1977, 60 pages, soft cover. An illustrated guide to help identify the maker of cacheted first day covers.
Compleat Philatelist, The
Herman Herst, Jr, 1979, 114 pages, soft cover. All you wanted to know about the world’s greatest
hobby, but didn’t know whom to ask. Directed to the newer stamp collector.
Cram Course in First Day Covers
Earl Planty and Michael Mellone, 2000, 32 pages, soft cover. A basic guide to starting a collection of First Day Covers,
Engel’s Flag Stamp Varieties Catalog
Liberty Stamp Exchange Circle, 1945, 60 pages, soft cover. Illustrated guide to the varieties of the U.S “Overrun Countries” stamps of World War Two.
George Amick, 1986, 250 pages, soft cover. The story of the worlds best-known stamp error, the 24 ¢
“upside-down” airplane stamp of 1918. A very interesting story about the production, discovery, and collecting history of the 100 known copies of this stamp.
Linn’s Stamp Identifier
- O’Keefe, 1993, 130 pages, soft cover. A guide to help identify the country that issued a stamp. Most helpful when inscriptions are in Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, or Oriental text.
Mavericks of the Sky
Barry Rosenberg & Catherine Macaulay, 2006, 340 pages, hard cover. The story of the first three years of the U.S. Air Mail Service. History that is interesting and exciting to read. B&W photos.
19th Century Stamps of Holland, The
Frank W. Julsen, 1939, 54 pages, soft cover. “Philatelic Gossip” Handbook No. 12. The many verities, perforations, retouches, papers, and colors of the early stamps of Holland.
Postal Service Guide to U. S. Stamps, The
- S. Postal Service, 2005 32nd edition, 336 pages, soft cover. Full color illustrated guide to all U. S. stamps thru 2004. Listings include Scott catalog number, date of issue, quantities issued and price of definitive, commemorative, airmail, duck stamps, stamped envelopes, and postal cards. Not as detailed as a Scott catalog, but very useful to help ID U. S. stamps.
2012 Scott Stamp Catalogue Vol 1 U.S., U.N., Countries of the World A – B
The Scott Catalogue is the “standard” stamp catalog used in the U.S. Very useful to identify stamps but
the values are now out of date.
2012 Scott Stamp Catalogue Vol 2 Countries of the World C – F
2012 Scott Stamp Catalogue Vol 3 Countries of the World G – I
2012 Scott Stamp Catalogue Vol 4 Countries of the World J – O
2012 Scott Stamp Catalogue Vol 5 Countries of the World P – Sl
2012 Scott Stamp Catalogue Vol 6 Countries of the World So – Z
Specialized Cachet Catalog of First Day Covers of 1940’s Vol II 1947 – 1949
Michael Mellone, 1984 second edition, 290 pages, soft cover. A pictorial catalog for identifying known cacheted first day covers of Scott #947 – #986 and #C25 – #C45. B&W photographs of 1000s of FDCs listing designer’s name, cachet catalog number and price. Prices are out of date, but useful for FDC ID.
Specialized Cachet Catalog of First Day Covers of 1950’s Vol I 1950 – 1955
Michael Mellone, 1983 first edition, 162 pages, soft cover. A pictorial catalog for identifying known cacheted first day covers of Scott #987 – #1068. B&W photographs of 1000s of FDCs listing designer’s name, cachet catalog number and price. Prices are out of date, but useful for FDC ID.
Specialized Cachet Catalog of First Day Covers of 1950’s Vol II 1955 – 1959
Michael Mellone, 1983 first edition, 170 pages, soft cover. A pictorial catalog for identifying known cacheted first day covers of Scott #1069 – #1138 and #C46 – #C58. B&W photographs of 1000s of FDC listing designer’s name, cachet catalog number and price. Prices are out of date, but useful for FDC ID.
Books held in private libraries that may be borrowed through the club librarian on request. Books will be delivered at the first club meeting following reservation. Books represent a significant financial investment by the owner. Borrowers are expected to treat borrowed books with due respect.
American Air Mail Catalogue Fifth Edition Vol One
American Air Mail Society, 1974, 478 pages, hard cover. A reference listing of the airposts of the world. Contains U.S. pioneer flights, U.S. governmental flights, Army emergency flights, early foreign flights, balloon posts of the siege of Paris, Zeppelin posts, interrupted flights, Philippine Island flights, aerial propaganda leaflets, and index.
American Air Mail Catalogue Fifth Edition Vol Two
American Air Mail Society, 1977, 510 pages, hard cover. A reference listing of the airposts of the world. Contains U.S. domestic air mail rate changes, U.S. air mail field and airport mail facility cancellations, U.S. contract air mail covers routes (CAM)1 – 72.
American Air Mail Catalogue Fifth Edition Vol Three
American Air Mail Society, 1978, 520 pages, hard cover. A reference listing of the airposts of the world. Contains U.S. contract air mail routes (CAM) 73 – 299, airport dedication covers, Lindberghiana, cumulative index vols 1 – 3.
American Air Mail Catalogue Fifth Edition Vol Four
American Air Mail Society, 1981, 596 pages, hard cover. A reference listing of the airposts of the world. Contains trans-oceanic record flights, catapult flights, Newfoundland, Canada, foreign contract air mail (FAM) routes, chronological index vols 1 – 4.
American Air Mail Catalogue Fifth Edition Vol Five
American Air Mail Society, 1985, 552 pages, hard cover. A reference listing of the airposts of the world. Contains U.S. airmail stamps, U.N. airmail stamps, U.N. airmail stationery, Alaska flights, Ryukyu Islands flights, Cuba flights, DO-X flights, U.S. glider flights, U.S. autogiro/helicopter flights, the jet age, supersonic transport, contract airmail flights supplement, U.S. souvenir historical flights, cumulative index vol 1 – 5.
American Stampless Cover Catalog Fourth Edition Volume I
David Phillips, 1985, 396 pages, hard cover. An illustrated reference catalog of American postal history. This volume is a listing of American hand stamped and manuscript town postmarks by States, including Colonial and Territorial periods, U.S. Possessions and Unorganized Territories from the early 1700s to 1870. Includes keys to the catalog listing, basic groups of handstamps identified, postage rates, postmarks by State, and unorganized territory.
American Stampless Cover Catalog Fourth Edition Volume II
David Phillips, 1987, 306 pages, hard cover. An illustrated reference catalog of Official, Semi-official, and Privately applied markings appearing on stampless American letter mail from the early 1700s to approximately 1870. Includes independent mail service markings, western express markings, local city delivery post markings, hotel markings, maritime mail markings, inland waterways markings, name of boat markings, way markings, express mail, railroad markings, military posts, free franks, official U.S. and B.N.A exchange markings, British North America, and addenda and corrigenda to Vol I.
Liberty Series, The
Ken Lawrence, 2007, 262 pages, soft cover. An American Philatelic Society Handbook. A study of the 1954 to 1973 Liberty series of U. S. stamps, also known as the Sixth Bureau issue. Includes stamps, postal cards, and stamped envelopes. Chapters on varieties, printing, tagging, mail processing, domestic and international use. Color illustrations.
Tips on Types: Washington-Franklin Two Cent Reds and Three Cent Violets
Robbin Dick, 2007 second edition, 26 pages, soft cover. A guide to the identification of the Washington-Franklin 1908-1923 two and three cent stamps. Color illustrations.